Know it all!

Hey guys now I'm really really late, and I'm sorry but I'm brimming with cool stuff to tell ya. We had Rabbi Kelemen today in thefirst time in ages; we sit in with Michlelet Ester. During his class he is proving how torah must have been given from Sinai and now we justgot to the Oral Law. He was telling us before he was frum and he was a student in UCLA, he heard about this thing called the Torah and he decided that he was going to read it in the original Hebrew, now he has never read a word of Hebrew in his life. So he goes into the ucla library, buys a pentuach, a dictiononary that explains all the laws of Hebrew grammar including all the execptions-which is what the> language is – and he taught himself Hebrew.
And armed with this new knowledge, he set out to decode the torah that he had bought. But to his dismay, he discovered that this copy of the torah must have been some old manuscript that was messed with bcz it had so manymistakes> that there was no way that this was the original. So then went tothe> microfiche machine and looked at all the slides of torah they hadin> the UCLA library and he realized that whoever had used thisoriginal> messed up manuscript must have liked it and everyone must havebased> all their findings on this manuscript. So he decides that he isgoing> to the orthodox community to find the real thing. So he walks intoa> bookshop in Fairfax and he is wearing jeans, a t-shirt, long hairand> no kipa and asks for a copy of the torah, the owner takes one lookat> him and says with a heavy Russian accent-are you Jewish? And R'> Kelemen says yea, so the owner takes him over to the English> chumashim but he is dealing with a UCLA junior who will only do> things in the original so he asks for the Hebrew and once again he> asks him – but can you read Hebrew?
And Lawrence Kelemen proudlysays> yeah I can, so the man shows him where they are, and walks away> shaking his head at this weirdo who walked into his store! SoRabbi> Kelemen pulls the first one off the shelf and sees that this onetoo> has the same mistakes as that manuscript [pt that he bought fromthe> UCLA bookstore. He keeps pulling off copy after copy and he seesthat> UCLA has taken over the bookstores in all of LA after moreresearch> he discovers that they have taken over all the stores in Americaand> Israel! So it finally dawns on him that this copy must be theright> copy and that there isn't a universal conspiracy going on. But how> can it be that the torah has so many mistakes if it comes from> Hashem? Either Hashem is retarded to the extent that only He could> be, I mean you and I could never write a book with so many errors> both grammatical and textual or the second option is that theremust> be compendium- the oral torah!
So now I'm finally getting to the> point that I really wanted to share. The first posuk in the torahwe> all know- bereishes bara Elokim… now grammatically that is> incorrect, if you want to use the shoresh of Rosh then the word> should be berishona, so we all know that we translate the posukthat> with reishes Hashem created the world, reishes being the torah.> Hashem created the earth and heavens with the Torah. So that means> that He created nature with Torah. So if you were to imagine aTorah> saber that you swished around empty space and woooooosh createnature> and then take that saber and inject yourself with the torah, canyou> see where I'm heading? We need to use the torah to create ournature!> Too many people say that they cannot do this mitzvah or that one –> its against my nature, I cant keep shmiras halashon its against my> teva.
I cannot give up the belief that I'm in control, I cannot> accept the fact that I don't know everything! This is exactly what> I'm supposed to do- use to the torah to change our nature, make it> into one that is that of Torah. This fits beautifully into whatRabbi> Orlofsky said yesterday on purim. We were discussing the mitzvahof> drinking on purim ` till u don't know the difference betweencursed> haman blessed is mordechai.' It seems to be a strange mitzvah for> Jews and why doesn't it apply to women. This mitzvah is to show us> that we really don't know. During the time of purim, the Jewsfirst> relied on ester to get them out of the situation, but then shegoes> and invited haman and achashverosh to a private party- all of a> sudden they realize what they thought they knew so well, maybethey> don't. the only option they had was to turn to Hashem at thatpoint.> And this is the message of the drinking and the reason why onlymen> have this mitzvah. Its too teach us that we really don't know the> difference between arrur haman baruch mordechai. And this is a> inherently manly trait- the need to know and to always be right.By> chait ha-egel the men saw the picture of moshe dead and wanted to> build a golden calf and they went to their wives to take their> jewelry but the women refused, they refused to believe that moshewas> dead, they had emuna peshuta that moshe said he was going to come> back and he was, they were not convinced by the satan's trickery.Yet> the men who always had to know, accepted the satan's bait, theyfell> right into his trap. The same happened by the meraglim, the women> were the only ones who didn't believe the reports; they had no> problems with the report, Hashem promised that they would receive> Eretz Yisrael, so they don't know exactly how or when but Hashemsaid> they would go in and so they would! This is our challenge, to> relinquish our grasp of control. Yes we must put in our effortand> yes we must try to do everything but ulitimatley we must remember> everything is in Hashem's control and WE DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING ANDWE> DON'T HAVE TO!> This should be enough for you to digest till next time.>


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