
We sit in a class with Michlelet Ester and we were discussing the differences between conservative, reform and orthodox. And the basic conclusion that we got to at the end of the class was that the only ones who have the true Torah and the true life are the orthodox Jews who have mesorah. Now you have to read that last sentence correctly. You can be “orthodox” but if you don’t have mesorah then you aren’t living the life of a true Torah Jew. Yeah, you can be a textbook Jew, one who just reads the sefarim and follows instructions to the letter. However, if you do not have connection with a Rav/Gadol/ teacher from the previous generation who can pass on to you what he/she learned from his rebbe then you are missing the vital component that makes us different from the conservative and reform. This is when the all important asay lecha rav comes into the picture. Without connection to someone who had a connection all the way back to Har Sinai then you are not part of the link, you have fallen out of the chain that defines us as those who got the torah from Moshe at Sinai. So make that call to your teacher and keep the connection alive!


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