Of stains and Grades

So this week was seriously one of the longest weeks ever, it feels like eons ago that i was sitting at this computer doing the same thing, but moving on..
So i take a microbiology class and lab, and we had a test this week in the class and i was up till 3am per usual studying away memorizing about 15 diseases what caused them who got it symptoms etc. i knew it was going to be a pretty hard test cuz the teacher said so, so when i came in and took the test i wasnt shocked that it wasnt the easiest thing i ever took. Fine,class done moving on to microlab. so in lab we are amidst learning about gram staining which involves alot of dyes and your are supposed to wear gloves but that just isnt for me so as you can probably guess i got stained and i am typing right now with purple nails.i got it on my fingers adn those stains went away pretty quickly, but the dye that got stuck under my nails is still there.
Yesterday, my teacher posted our grades and he had told us that he was giving us a 20 point curve(the avg in the class was a 28/60) so you can imagine taht we needed the curve desperately. so i went to ask my teacher if the grade was with the curve or without, he told me it was with, meaning that my 62 was with an added 20 points! so you can imagine the feeling of disappointment and regeret taht i wasted so much time studying it was useless! But then, he told me "dont worry, come to my office adn we will discuss the things you got wrong and why you got them wrong so next time you'll do better!"
Now here is the point u ready? too bad if you aint here i come! So we'll start with the staining. sometimes in life you stain yourself, you get cholent on your favorite shabbat top, you get ketchup on your skirt and you can just wash it off, but then there are times that the stain in an oil stain, wine etc. things that get into the fiber of the fabric and it requires a lot more work to get those internal stains out. when one does a chait, sometimes its just on the surface, one time mistake taht is easy to fix cuz you never really wanted to do it to begin with. However, banot yikarot, there are chataim, that go much deeper, things that are imbedded into our beings and the longer a stain stays any launderer will tell you the harder it is to get out!
At this point it is easy to get discouraged, ' ive failed till now, its so hard i cant do it, i give up' sorry pple withdrawel is only an option in college, not in real life. Because, guess what most pple around you did just as badly as you too, the avg isnt good, except for those few people who get A's but they are the minority. G-d doesnt expect that from everybody. HE knows taht life is hard and that we may fall sometimes, so gives us teh curve and even after the curve, He gives us Elul to go meet Him in His office to see what we can do to better on the next test. This is the time taht Hashem is giving us to fix those stains, to go to Him and see what we can do so we wont fail next time!
Happy Laundering


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