
Reporting live(via email) from Neve Yerushalayim: last night I was working out, kickboxing my heart out, getting all the stress of the week out with every punch and kick. The music is booming and we are all sweating, suddenly one of the girls I work out with in MT got a phone call from her madricha to stay in the dorm and not to leave, kay whatever there is a high security alert, what else is new, right? Then a girl from maalot gets a call from her Aim Bayit telling her the same thing. Whatever, we keep working out. Then the phones all start ringing; there was a pegua in kiryat moshe in a yeshiva, 35 boys were hurt and 8 were killed. Needless to say, we decided that continuing our cardio activity would be highly inappropriate in light of the situation. So we all got dressed and went back to our respective dorms.
(We were in the gym by the laundry room in building 8) Everywhere you went, on every floor girls had gathered to say tehilim. In every seminary from pninim who are so close to bnos chava who are in zfat. We all did what is in our instinct, to turn up to our Father and beg Him for mercy! What other option is there? We are Jews. It is in our genetic makeup! From the beginning of time, we have been turning to Hashem in times of trouble, yet we need to do more than that. Today is Rosh Chodesh, it is the day when we turn to Hashem in earnest and praise Him. Why is it that we have to wait for Him to beg for our attention before we pray with such fervor?
Why doesn’t the beauty of the world and the immense good that we have ever inspire us to pray with as much kavana then when we have the enemy breathing down our backs. This is the exact difference between purim and Yom Kippur. On Yom Kippur we turn to Hashem out of fear, we are trembling for fear of our lives. We don a serious façade and we cry and beseech Hashem for forgiveness. However, we know that Purim has at least the same amount of koach tefilla if not more because Yom Kippur is called Yom Ki’purim. The fact that Yom Kippur is compared to purim shows that it must be greater. Yet, personally I know that I find it difficult to see Purim as a spiritually powerful day, we get lost in all the activities of the day; we barely have the time to daven. We lose the immense opportunity on this awesome day so that you could get the shtikiest mishloach manos. We have to get them to all the people on our list and we have to prepare the meal, making the napkins are just right, nothing out of place (before all the drunken guys overturn everything!) This is exactly the ploy of the yetzer hara. He busies us with all these things so that before we know it, its sunset and you are rushing to race through mincha, and whoops there goes the day and all its spiritual glory. So maybe we can all take it upon ourselves to really utilize the spiritual power of purim to its fullest and maybe in the zchus of that Hashem, will see that we are awake and we don’t need the reminder to turn to Him. If we do it our own accord, He will have no reason to give us such a disturbing wake up call. It is no coincidence that this attack happened so close to purim.
The enemy of purim, is, we all know-you know this one-amalek. And class what is amalek’s mida? That’s right laizanos-they say that everything is coincidence. It is our job to look beyond the coincidence and see Hashem’s hand in everything. So let’s take these messages to heart and make this purim meaningful, not just the silly holiday its been turned to.


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