Start your own blog!

Kay, so this is gonna have to be quick! I have 20mins ready set go!

Alot happened this week, in my life. First of all I had an interesting array of parking stories this week, on mon i was going to school like always when i get to marta and i drive into the parking deck, its 1pm so its full cuz everyone is still at their jobs and stuff so i drive around going higher and higher till i get to the top floor and behold.. there are no sspots! so i drive down hoping that while i was driving up someone left leaving me their spot, but alas no! so then i drove to the other parking deck, but where i thought was teh entrance but the bar was up so i couldnt go in so then i went back to the original parking garage and went all the way up and down, still no spots so then i asked teh policewoman where i cud park, she directed me and there i went but i didnt know where i was allowed to park, so i kept driving till i got to a random spot by a staircase, i figured taht i would find the spot easily that way, went to school, blah blah blah, then when i was coming back i went to the staircase but alas it was locked! so i went to the elevator(aka lift) with rona and then we proceeded to walk around teh ENTIRE! parking lot walking up and down the third to sixth floor twice meanwhile im freaking outthat my car disapperaed and taht it was stolen!.... sof kol sof my car was on the second floor! then the next day-when i went to park i got a spot on the FIRST FLOOR! Itwas deffinitaley an imporovement over yesterday! Then on Wednesday, i parked on the sixth floor, near the elevator, for some reason wednesday has less travelers at 1pm then on mondays, the top floor was basically empty.

So we already had one parking metaphor, but this time i think that i got another one. Things need to get hard for us to appreciate to see what we really have. I mean i always love getting a spot on the first floor but can u imagine the joy i had on tues when i saw that spot, after being dragged around the world on mon? but then on wednesday when i parked on teh six floor? usually i get really annoyed that i have to park on the roof especially when i have to come back at night- but there is more, on many levels. In this one class i had we watched a video abt this school that Oprah Winfrey built in South Africa for all these undreprivledged girls with horrible lives, girls who dont have electricty, who live with their entire families in a oneroom tin hut. Two sisters who watched their father shoot their mother and then shoot himself! crazy insane stories that we should never know abt! but then at the end of the class she asked us to think abt what our dreams were and what we were doing abt them, what realizations had dawned upon us as we sat their. Now most of teh kids in teh class are afrecian american and had a massive connection to this exact situation. there was one girl who walked half an hour at 4Am through a neighberhood that makes the bronx look like a country rd at which point she takes the bus for an hr all just so she can go to school! now, what right do i have to complain abt a bad parking spot at marta?
Everything in this world is abt perpective, if you see yourself as a blessed individual then everything in yourlife will seem like a blessing, my grade school principal always wore an A on his lapel, A for attitude he always said! and that really makes the difference. so when i was parked across the way and was so annoyed, i had two choices, 1) man, why are there no spots im never gonna get to class, i hate this, my life sucks etc, etc, etc 2)this is unfortunate, but there must be a reason, actually the whole time i was thinking oh,boy do i have story to tell this friday so now that i gave you all my secret you can all start your own blogs, but heres the actual lesson i concocted while i was typing the whole mussar shmuess:
sometimes we need to be taken out of out safety zone, taken away from what is familiar to us, and it scares us, (mitzrayim) then Hashem swoops in and makes it soooooooo obvious taht He loves us and makes it really for us(first floor parking spot/krias yamsuf-midbar) but then we have to get back to reality and thats when the hardwork starts, thats when we have to park on the sixth floor, work the land. this is the process of emuna, tefilla, we turn to Hashem cuz we are alone and scared, we are desperate, and He saves us but inorder to keep that inspiration we have to work otherwise its like klal yisreal who saw krias yamsuf but then turned around and served the agal hazav!
so have the right perpective and you too can start your own blog!


  1. I didnt really do it in 20 mins,i came home and finished it!


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