
hey guys how was shabbat? how are everyone's respective finals and vacations going? sorry i havent had a chance to right till now, this week its gonna be really short. i went to this class on tefilla and i learned something that im just dying to share with ya'll.. i dont know about you guys but sometimes my davening just isnt what i want it to be. ive tried all the tricks, i used praying with fire but still it wasnt working for me, so i got these two suggestions that have proven results, try one then once you got it then add the next.
we all know the feeling of getting to the kotel after an hour of sittin on an extremely naseuse bus ride( at least those who took buses) and "whew, im finally here!" you are so exc ited to pour your heart out and just talk to Hashem, there is no comparing that tefilla with the one on a sun morn when you are too tired to put in your contacts and you are still wearing your pjs as you quickly mumble the words two minutes before class starts. so whats the difference? awareness, aawareness before whom you are standing, this is the first step, think about who you are standing before, and the entire time imagine that you are standing before the King of Kings, not the wall but HIM! if you even take two mins to think about this, you'll realize that you sit differently, u say the words more clearly and everything is just different!
number two: the more you praise someone, the more connected you become to the person, you realize his greatness and you cannot help but be overwhelmed by his enormity and the more you crave a relationship with the person, the same is true of course with Hakadosh Baruch Hu, pay attention to the words you are saying, especially right before shemona esrei, check out all that shevach( not the high school) if you pay attention to what you are saying that you'll see how much you want to get closer to Him and His Infinity, that desire itself will make your davening that much greater, for what is davening beside creating, developing, and maintaining a relationship with our Father in Heaven.
hope u find this helpful
love devo


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