Whats the excuse this time?

I wasnt really in school that much this week, but i was there. last week i told this girl in my lab that i was gonna be missing a lot of school in the next couple of weeks cuz of religious holidays and she asked me if they make exceptions for school. i kinda laughed thinking of the image after 120 being in shamayim, and me sitting there explaining to Hashem that i couldnt make it to the day of His coronation, to my court case as to whether i would live or die because of college.
This other girl in my lab txted me a question on yom tov then txted back never mind have fun on your holiday... To us that is such a strange concept we dont really see rosh hashana as a fun day, enjoyable to an extent, yes, scary, definatley, holy, well we can only hope and pray really. so what is the differnce btwn us and them, well many but ill get there just be a little patient.
going back to the first girl-story. can u imagine saying to Hashem taht you had to miss shul cuz you had school. it sounds ridiculous when you put it that way, but to that girl it seemed totally normal and why not? we make excuses all the time for ourselves and they make total sense(usually) otherwise we wouldnt use it, we would find a better one, we usually try to avoid as much cognative dissonance as possibble( if you dont know what that is find your local psyche major it shouldnt be too hard, maaolt is pumping them out!) so we make excuses taht we can live with. i coudnt help my mother cuz i had to study, i didnt tell her the truth cuz it would have hurt her feelings, i didnt invite that girl to the event cuz she would feel uncomfortable - it was really for her own good. this starting to ring a bell. and we dont think abt how ridicilous it sounds bcz once we've said it thats it, we move one happy with ourselves and we nver check to see the damage taht we have left behind ourslevs.
The same is true bain adam lemakom. we make excuses.i couldnt daven cuz i was tired and couldnt concentrate it wouldnt be worth anything. i do believe Hashem runs the world,just dont get in the way when i have my plan, why is there traffic erev shabbat, whose fault is this....
But just imagine your self standing infront of the person you are making your excuse to be it Hashem, your friend, even yourself and think about what you are saying and then when you re-evaluate the situation you see how silly you really sound! so next time u start rationalizing why you cant daven mincha, imagine you standing in front of the beit din shel maala and convincing them of your excuse, if it works then kol hakavod you have a realy excuse but if you just see them laughing in yout face and you feel your cheeks getting redder and redder as the flsuh creeps up from your neck all the way to your forehead then .... you know what u have to do.
but before we all get discouraged i want comment on stry two: how do we jews celebrate the new yr? we pray! we are not up all night getting drunk dropping big balls off tops of buildings! i juat wanted to quote Bridging the Gap " one need only to glance at the world around us to see how elevated even the barest minimum of Torah observance makes the Torah Jew. this is a great source of comfort and encouragement as we struggle to climb the levels of Torah and avodah." we live in such a crazy world with teh economy crises and insane elections going on, we remember that we have the truth. we have the secret key that will keep us above the fray. and sop even whne we are discouraged with our progress and get frustrated that we arent moving, remember that the fact that u are in the same place that you where yesterday means taht you are moving otherwise you would be lower. so rejoice in your Heritage in your Birthright and allow it to guide your life. dont settle for anything less than what you deserve. dont rationalize away your life!
Have an easy and meaninful


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