Whose in control?

hey guys
ive officially landed in teh atl, and im really getting into teh swing of things. first of all id like to say thanx to all the money girls taht hosted me and drove me around while i was in new york. second of all i must tell you my hashgacha pratis story and it coincides with my flying story so you get two in one! so i flew home last sunday night. i rush to the airport and i get there and im told that my 6:10 flight was delayed til 8:30 so me and my friend went to get drinks from starbucks as we are sittng i check the little boards with the flight info. its says that ... can you guess...rememebr we are talking abt me and flights... yup ... CANCELLED!
so i chill around with my friend then she has to go. i walk around the airport buy a book to keep my company adn a thing of pringles bcz i havent learned my lesson yet and didnt have any on me. i slowly saunter down to teh counter by the gate and ask the guy what ii should do and that my flight is cancelled, meanwhile they have been paging this guy for abt 20 min to get on teh flight that was leaving right then. he never showed up so the guy gave me his seat and i got right on. my carry-on didnt fit in the over head of course it was liek 50 lb itself! ( i didnt tell ya that it broke as soon as i got off the planewhen i landed in newark, i had to buy a new one!) so thats my story, not so exciting but G-d truly loves me. but wai there is more. seeing as my flight was cancelled my luggage didnt fly with me so when i landed i didnt have any of my stuff with me so they told me that it would come the nxt day. i was out with my friends and my bro stayed home when i came back saw that only one suitcase had come back! so called them back and it came in at threee in the morning!
so the lesson of teh story?
Mrs. Klein (anyone who had never email knows her) has a sign in her office that says never approach a computer saying " ill just do this quickly!' so how does this apply to life? well in my humble opinion we can generlize that statmenty to everything, never apprtoach anything saying that I will just do this quickly. nothing is ever in our hands, we can plan to teh last detail, do everything right and there are times when things actually happen the way we plan and then its still bcz Hashem controls things. i was heard say that Hashem gets such a bad reputaion. whenever anything goes wrong, " everything is bcz HAshem wants it that way!
G-d is in Control...etc" however, when it comes to the things that happen the way we want them, its ' i did it, i studied hard and did well on my test.' the prob with all the hp stories when everything goes right in the end is that its just as much hp without the happy cool ending! if i had missed my flight and the flight didnt end up being hijacked and i got home a day later exhausted , no story them its still hp. i got to workon time( that may take a miracle depending) did my work and went home did everthin regular, then its still all hp.
so next time u cross the streey safely thank your Father for making sure that you are safe and nxt time you are stuck in traffic thank Him for watchin ya adn taking care of ya.
after you studied hours for that murder final and you did well look up and thank the one that directed your pen, you may have studued but that is just to keep the facade of teva. before u bask in your own genius rememeber teh time that u also studied hours and you didnt know a single question! and one last quote to help you with your day
"we dont pray so we can solve our problems, we have problems so we will pray!
be blessed


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