To delete or not to delete, zehoo ha'shaiyla!

So you've all probably noticed that i dont have the best typing skills and even on this blog i try my hardest to fix my mistakes, i never really had the patience to learn how to type properly, but anywhose, the point is that my friend and I decided that we are not gonna fix our typos in our emails, we can explain a particularly bad messup but you are not allowed to go back and fix it, the backspace button is non-existant. you are only allowed to move forward , never back. and she had the brilliant idea that this could be a great blog topic, so this week its dedicated to her!
when we type, its inevitible that we are going to make mistakes, some more than others, practice makes perfect. if you are having a better day than others your typing may be better. if you are like me, than the faster the song im listening to, the faster i type..alot of factors can affect the speed and accuracy of one's typing skills, but one of the major ones i seem to find, is that you have to care, if you are typing an email to your friends you arent gonna care as much as typing your doctoral thesis. if you take the time to think about the letters that you are about to press then the quality of the typing will be better so to speak. something i also noticed last night when i was typng in the dark, is that when one such as myself doesnt know how to touch type doing it without light can really be dificult, it was basically incoherent especially since i couldnt go back and fix it.
so now what, you wanna know where im going with this, often in life(i bet you couldve guessed those last three words) we go ahead and say things and do things without thinking, without seeing, without being an absolute expert in teh field and we find ourselves wanting to press the backspace button, i wanna take it back, we say to ourselves. i want to pretend like it never happened. i wanna go back to teh way it used to be. but we cant. we cant take back the lashon hara. we cant take back the hurtful thing we did to our friend. sure, we apologize, we say im sorry, we even beg for forgiveness, and they may even forgive you. but what you have done has forever changed you, save from complete and perfect teshuva, your neshama is forever tinged, tainted and so are you.
so who do i think i am typing without looking, trying to do it without being able to see teh consequences. how can i "type" something that will be there forever, without taking the time to turn on the light and seeing the keyboard that is right in front of me. we cannot go through life in the dark, just letting things happen as they may, letting teh "chips fall into place" without being prepared. we cannot allow ourselves fall into the trap of, "ill fix it later, i can say im sorry and it'll all be okay!" NO! IT WONT BE OKAY!
we have to "see the light" we have to turn on the light, illuminate the path that is right in front of us. we cannot allow the yezer hara to jump out in front of us in the dark of teh night and say BOO! we cannot take that risk. we must prepare ourselves , learn hilchos shmirat haloshon, learn the halachos of interpersonal relationships. we must be armed so that we dont have to retreat, so we can fight and say "no i will not have to press delete cuz im not going to make a mistake! im going to fight this right now because i have the ammunition to do so!"
im not saying that we have to be perfect all the time, im saying that yes we make mistakes, but i think that we have fallen into the trap of a generation of cutting ourselves waaaaaaaaay too much slack, we dont take responsibility anymore. we are used to everyone telling us "its okay if you make a mistake if you fall now and then, dont get depressed cuz thats teh yezer hara trying to get you to totally stop!" and yes thats completely true, but at a certain point it gets to be too much and we stop ever feeling bad about making a mistake, we just tell ourselves, its ok ill do better next time and we just let it slide. but if we let it slide then we never grow and we never try harder not to let it happen again. we cannot allow our mistakes depress us, rather we have to allow them to inspire us to never let it happen again.
next time you shouldnt have to use the delete button!


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