You jump, i jump jack

Usually, in the mornings at the gym i vacume the floor, thats the one real rsponsibility that i have, besides that i just kinda sit at teh front desk and read,study,surf....anyways i get an email last night from the owner that teh vacume cleaner has passed away adn is no longer...but would i mind cleaning the mirrors? of course not i say, why should i, it didnt make me feel like cinderalla at all! anyways, the room is covered in floor-ceiling mirrors, so this was gonna take a little more time than the usual vacuum, but hey i was ready to go. so armed with my rag and windex i started on the first pane of the mirror, at which point something occurred to me, it actually stared me in the face, im less than 5ft and teh mirror is waaaaaaay taller than me, i couldnt reach all the smudges at the top!

anways i do not let that deter me, i go on, doing what i can, only spraying what is exactly within in my range, but then as i moved along the handprints on the glass was just beyond my range, so i jumped. quite a few times to be exact, and then i was able to get the mirrors just a little cleaner than i originally thought i could. the mirrors still dont look perfect, you can still tell where i started and where i stopped, but at least they are a little cleaner cuz of those few jumps- it must have been really funny to watch( i can think of at least 5 pple who wouldve find it hilaaaaaarius)
well, i think you know where im gooing with this, and if yoiu dont i am not impressed you have obviously not been listening that well. we often know our limitations. as we should! we should not live in delusion thinking taht we can do things we are totally unprepared for. we need to know our strengths and our weaknesses. this is what allows to live a relatively normal life, we know where to plow forward and take initiative. we hopefully know when to take the backseat and let someone else drive. and as important as these two things are, i think there is one more thing about ourselves that we must know- can you guess yet?- thats right we have to know when to jump! we have to know when we can just leap beyond what is comfortable and easy.

this is emuna, emuna is working on ourselves to a certain point , till we can do longer, then is when we turn to Hashem. this is tefilla, this is how we pass nisyonot. a nisayon is not doing something taht we know we can do. its not like a chemistry test that you can study for and know all teh right answers and you get everything right and you pass. no, this is like an english test. you the backgrouind, you know how to write an essay, but you have no idea what you are gonna have to write about. Hashem gives us nisyonot, we try to prepare ourslevs making sure we have the right hashkafot and teh right teachers, but at a certain point when its just you and G-d (tefilla) you have to lean into the wind and jump. you cannot do it by yourself, you can prepare all yoiu want but when it comes down to it, its G-d thats gonna carry youi throug it! the test is to see is if yoiu trust inHim enuf to make that leap into HIs waiting "arms". He wants you to pass, you just have to trust Him enuf to let you!


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