Dare to be different!

So, yoiu know how i was going on adn on about bridging the gap...yea well i forget it this week. so....help me brainstorm here, purim, sping break, dressing up, school, parking lot full(maybe), fasting, megilla...kay i think i got a starting point...

so yesterday i went to school, i dont normally go to school on thursdays, but i had to make up a lab that i missed bcz of purim. so when i went to park the normal parking lot was full, so i had to go to the other one(you know the one that i got lost in last time?) so there is a sign that if you are parking for marta, then you need to park on the third floor,well last time i tried to do that, i got totally lost, so i just parked in any spot and ran to catch the train. when i got back, i found my car fairly easily and i was pulling out and i gave the lady my ticket, she says "that'll be four dollars sweetheart" and then i said "even if im just marta parking" and she said that i had to go to the third floor to park and then they authorize it saying that i parked that high and then they wouldnt charge me, but since i decided to park lower down, i got charged.

So really at this point i shoudl just stop and you should be able to figure out what im about to say without me going on, but ill keep going just cuz i like the sound of the tapping of the keyboard. this is the whole, nothing worthwhile was ever easy speech. sometimes we need a quick fix, something to make it easier RIGHT NOW, and at that moment we are so wrapped up in what will make us feel better right now, we forget to think of the consequences. we forget who we are and what are. we forget, or i should say, we choose to forget..just for that split second...what our long term goals are. what we want out of our lives and we live in the moment. we live in a society of Carpie Diem but that cannot be who we are . we live in a generation that idolizes spontenuety and frowns upon planning and thoughtfullness. where would the credit card companies be without impulse buying?

This is exactly what happened in the purim story, the jews were invited to the party..mordechai told them not to go, they said it would be dangerous if we dont, achashverosh will kill us, he said it will be dangerous if you do go...and we all know what happned. the jews all wanted to go to that party, come on it was the party of the century, literally everyone was gonna be there..except those party pooper jews who dont know how to have fun and overthink everything, cant yoiu see this playing out? so what happens they say we are going not cuz we want to but bcz otherwise its dangerous to our health, and we have a mitzva "unishmarted meod et nafshosaychem"
so we really dont have any choice...we have to go, G-d wants us to!

mordechai knew better, he wasnt afraid of being called an overthinker...he didnt care about beinig spontanoius. he knew that ultimately this could lead to potentially the down fall of the jews, which it almost did. if it were not for the jews' complete teshuva, and reacceptance of the torah, then where would we be right now?

Spontenuity has its price, it may be the piling interest on your credit card, that thing you smack your head everytime you think about it-what was i thinking- is running thru your head and you know the answer you werent! you know when you get in a bad mood and think that you are gonna do something crazy and impulsive to get over it and then before you know it, your crying cuz all your hair is gone and you look like an army seargetnt! (this is a slight exaggeration but everyone knows what im talking abt)
i know that when i get bored, i get my hair cut, i keep threatening to get highlights and chop my hair in this real dramatic cut, but in the end i dont cuz i know that it wont suit my face and my father would kill me plus do you know how much highlights cost?!

but thats not the point. you know the point, dont be afraid to be the overthinker(ive been accused of that) and you know what while im on this tangent, dont be afraid to be the frum one who came back from seminary and is different. good for you, why is it cool to go to india and come back with a nose pierce, floral skirts and a dot on your fore-head, but its the opposite to go to isreal and come back without the nose pierce and a pleated skirt instead of the mini-denim one?(this is all hypothetical of course!)

so go ahead dare to overthink!


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