The Missing piece

First of all i want to say that Bridging the Gap should be required reading for everyone! its awesome and its so intense, it really captures everuything in such a real way, it really mkaes yoiu think.
anyway, thats not the point. just was letting you know...this past week i've experienced a frustrating phenomena.. what is that you ask...well since you asked so nicely...the cover of my phone keeps falling ..huh you say...well let me explain...when i first got my cell phone i decided to funk it up (as u all know i love doing to abt everything) so i went on to ebay and searched cell phone covers and foiund this awesome cover tyhat was totally me. so i bought it and i was so excited when it came (who doesnt love getting packages?) about a month after i had it, ithink i dropped my phone, the back fell off and cracked. since then i've only had the front on. so the front is this awesome "groovy" orange cover and the back is black..yea boring i know...
anyway, so it wasnt a prob but it seems now that there is no back on the phone, the front just pops off without warning. even the smallest drop and off it goes..its frusting and whats more is that everytime it comes off i see how dirty the screen really is and how scratched up the phone has gotten. so i simply pop it back on and hope that it stays on next time, but i know that it wont.
this connection is sort of a stretch and i dont really have time to let you guess so unless you wanna close your eyes now, you can keep yourslef out of suspence. sometimes, when we make a mistake, something changes, we've gone too far, something breaks off and we dont replace it. we survive with that one part, hoping that it will suffice. we think that we will be fine with what we have. after all the front looks good, no one sees the back only you , and yoiu dont care that much..whats the big deal. this applies to a friend that broke off from your life for one reason or another, something spiritually that has broken away from youi and yuoui still look frum on the outside, but yoiu know better.
so sometimes we fall apart. sometimes we come undone and thats when we see the real damage. we see what we really look like without that missing piece. we see the scratcges and the dirt. but we dont want to fix it. so we pop the cover back on, plaster that fake smile again, waiting for teh next time it will inevetibly fall off again and we will have to face the ugly truth.

without the support thats missing, falling apart is inevitable. its teh backbone, the spine that holds us up. only u know what is missing.what yoiu have lost that is making yoiu fall apart now and then.and only you know where you can get that back for your phone to make it whole. the front may look really pretty and it may even "totally be you"(as i ditzily said before) but that front is hiding what only you can see and what only you can fix. so start shopping. find the missing piece!


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