
So im sitting here in Rechavia , yes I finally landed adn got here. I kinda feel pressure cuz it should be waay beter now that im in such a holy place. My inspiration should be at an all time high.But as usual as im starting I am drawing a blank so im just gonna tell yiou about my trip. So originally i was supposed to fly on monday night cuz they told me taht the sunday flight was packed but i decided to check motzai shabbat online to see what the story was and i saw that there were empty flights. So i call in and ask the guy and he changed my flight to sunday night. but he cant give me a seat till i get to the airport. So i get to the airport three hoiurs early to make sure that i get a seat and yay! i get a window seat adn im sitting aat the gate with my parents adn then it suddenly occurs to them to check that they transfereedd over my "kosher food" status. they hadnt at that point it was half an hr before boarding and they already had put the food on the plane but btwn my father's insistance and the lady's help we finally got me some kosher food taht i prob wasnt gonna eat anyway.

when we finally were in the air i was so excited, i couldnt believe that i was actually going after all this time. we land and i go through securuty withoyt a hitch, im thinkong this is waay too good to be true. im waitiung for my luggage adn there was wifi in the airport so i was able to check my email and catch up with what i had missed out in the last 12 hrs.! get on the nesher to make a long story short (at least this part anyway) the pope is visitning the holy land so it took me three hrs to get to rechavia. i was upset that i wa sgonna miss the bonfires. so i got home unpacked, and suprise we are going to a medura in nachlaoot. yay!

so now that the story is over...hmmm....kay i think ive got something its almost shabbat so it better work
i just heard this mashal about life and that it is a marathon. its such a long haul you keep running and running and its always the last few miles that seem the hardest. its always that last leg of the trip that takes forever. i was sitting on that nesher for so long i was ready to kill. i went to har nor, mevasseret tzion, talpiyot, bayit vegan, and then and only then did we get to rechavia. i was so tired adn so disappointed that my first tefiila had to be on a stinky nesher stead of at the kotel maarvi( you know the one, big stones lots of papers sticcking out) and when i finally got there i couldnt even go to see a bonfire and i love those bonfires ( i thought at least i was missing it) so im sitting there on the nesher waiting and waiting and it was so hard. cuz i waited so long to get here waited through classes and finals sleepless nights, broken planes...you know my life and now that i had actually gotten there i was just so excited to be there and not stuck in traffic caused by the pope(whom the driver was cursing out incessantly)

but its the darkest parts of our lifes the hardest moments, that bring us to the goal. the last leg of the marathon is the hardest but we keep pushing tho we may not see the finish line, cuz we know its there. so too, in life when things get bad and we all know that things can get really bad, its so hard because it hasnt been easy up untill this point, its not like we've been relaxing, waiting for the one speedbump, that one hurdle we have to get through. NO! its always challenging its always gonna be a fight, but when the fight is the hardest, when its that last push up of your set of 50 thats gonna make or break it. its that last one taht pushes you to the end its the hardest one that builds the muscle thats the one that makes all teh other ones before it worth it. no one said push ups where easy but untill you get to the last few and you feel as if yoiur muscles are gonna tear outta your arm...thast the moment of truth. when you feel like yoiu just cannot anymore when you feel like thats the end..its that fight thats gonna make all the other ones worthwhile, its that one that gives them meaning and purpose. its that combined energy of it all coming together that brings you to the finish line.

this last point sorta connects not really but its so beautiful had to share it, its from Rav Pincus on tefilla- it has to do with the point taht we cannot always see the finish line we cannot see Hashem directly in our lives, but we always pray. we always turn to Him for guidance and hope. but R'Pincus was explaining abt the difference between an elongated tefilla adn a short powerful one. the elongated one is for someone who doesnt really know where his tefillos are going, he's not exactly sure what his kavonos shoudl be so he covers all his bases. like during attack in war you know the enemy is out there not sure exavtly you put out a tear gas bomb i think that affects the entire area so you know you got everything even if you cannot see it. but a short direct teffila is someone who is so intune with his own needs, his connection with Hahsem, he knows exactly which midda he is utilizing and like an arrow, or a bullet that goes straight from his heart into Hashems lahavdil - Hashem diesnt have a heart,. but you get the point, when someone is desperate this is his last chance without this tefilla the world will crumble..he doesnt need any of the pre-reqs he is pouring his soul out to Hashem adn he dosnt waste words cuz this is all he has and this is the end for him it goes straight from him to G-d like a sniper all he needs is that one shot adn his joib is done. the despearte man only needs taht one shot , his last tefilla adn tahts why its short cuz it has one purpose and he knows what it is.
kay didnt really connect but thought it was really powerfull
shabbat shalom!


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