planning 'n' passion

OMG! I am so tired its not normal, i even went to sleep earlt last night and still i did not wanna wake up this morning, but as usual duty calls and i answered. so what the scoop this week? u wanna know any funny stories? well if anyone has friends with science classes u know that all our stories start with..i was in lab..blah blah blah..yea so i was in chemistry lab and ive been doing really well Baruch Hashem i havent had to repeat any experiments and i was usually the first one outta there well except for this one slight problem, i cant seem to figuire out how to open my drawer - it has a combination lock and i cant seem to figuire it out so every week i have to ask one of the people around me and she tries teaching me every week and somehow i just cant seem to get the handle of it, but besides that usually its all fine and dandy.
not this week, ive been waiting for the time when something wouyld go wrong and almost halfway thru here it was..we had to make a solution using differnt things and then slowly add a diff solution to it untill it turned mine was not turning pink in fact it just got more and more brown - this was a problem! so after my instructor watched me doing it she askes me- are u sure thats the HCl(hydrochloric acid) that u added i was like yes of course im doing it all right .then it dawned on me, i didnt add HCl i added NaOH(sodium hydroxide) which is basic and the opposite of the acid i was supposed to be adding. kay enuf of the chemistry lesson. bekitzur i had to start all over and we had to do it three times and i only had enough of my compound to do it one more time. which meant to my suprise that i cud leave early and make it in time for my beloved kickboxing class.

so the question now is as follows..i told u the story whats the ever propfound moral taht i am abt to share that will change your life forever?
well before half a second ago i wasnt so sure, i have a half-baked idea so well see how iit goes..
we often have a goal that we wanna achieve, we wanna feel sad on fast days, we wanna do teshuva, we wanna feel the pain of Hashem and klal yisreal that the Bais Hamikdash was destroyed. we wanna be holier people. We all have the things that we want. and like they say "if u make a plan then u plan to fail" so we make the plan. we set up the diet and exercise regiment. we buy the books taht will get us hopefully where we wanna be. and then we think we are finished. i did what i was supposed to do i bought the book..and maybe we even go through with the steps. we read our daily whatever it is (power of prayer, chofetz chaim everythin comes in daily portions) but if we dont pay attention, if we are too sleepy -as was my case in lab - and we dont put our full heart and soul into it then it becomes brown and yukky(fantastic word no? my english teachers would be proud) its not enuf to know the steps and its not enuf to even follow the steps, we have to follow them with passsion. we have to follow it with conviction. this is something that u want! and u cannot let anythng and i mean anything get in your way. we all know driven people. people who willo stop at nothing to get what they want. or u know the people whose sister is getting married and she needs to lose those extra ten lbs. u know that there is no way in the world she is gonna touch that cookie and u kjnow that in all her spare time she is living at teh gym cuz she has a goal and nothing is stopping her.

I have recently become a R'Wallerstein junkie and when i am not studying or at the gym..thast whats on my laptop screen(brief commercial for the best thing ever!) and yesterday i was watching his shiur on the three weeks and he said somethin really powerful. i dont know abt u but sometimes i wonder why is it that i can cry for the dumbest reasons for things that really are not important but when it comes to crying on t'sha baav or 17th tammuz i cant. i am sad, i may well up a bit, i am upset all these things yet i cannot manage to shed a tear. we have these three weeks now as a mourning period. but its not us who is really mourning it Hakodosh Baruch Hu who is crying. He is the one who lost HIs palace, His children, His land. we still have a land (sorta) we still have homes we BH have our families. yes we are sad that we do not have what we once had but we've moved on. so when we dont listen to music its not that we are mourning rather its a symbol to show that we recognize that Hashem is mourning.

but we all look for heterim, in music, new clothes (but its on sale!) whatever it is..but Hashem is mourning, does one go into a shiva house with twenty shopping bags filled to the brim - who cares that in was onsale?now im not one to talk cuz me and my acapella its what gets me through cuz yall know i need my music. but even to curb it a little, even to to something a little less,l dont eat ice cream during the nine days i dont know we all know what it is that we can do to show Hashem that no we dont understand what it is that He is going thru cuz for a child to lose a parent is nothing compared to the agony of a parent losing a child. we cannot understnd all we can do is do the symbolic action to show that we are with Him. so to speak.

so i belive taht this year, these three weeks maybe if we come to it from a different angle, if we see that its not only our loss then maybe that will be the right ingridient to turn the brown to the pretty pink. so i neglected to tie in the locker part of the story into the profundity of today, so lets see how it goes.

ive never gotten lockers, i had one first semester and try as i might i coudnt get it then either. its somethingh ive put a mental block to i guess. adn i think that we all have areas where we've tried once or twice it didnt work and thats it, we give up. its not for me and even if we try in the future its half-hearted cuz we've already doomed oursleves to failure even before we began. but fear not my friends for there is hope. as usual i will bring in a gym mashal to illustrate. well not so much a mashal cuz it really happened. i have had an aversion to the bike forever i could do the ellipitical for hours i canlift weights and do push ups and crunches and never stop. the bike,..a diff story. i used to do it for 5 mins 7mins tops! and then one day a trusty friend of mine had emailed me and so i got on the bike with me ever handy ipod and emailed her back without noticing it..i had gone almost twenty minutes on the bike cuz i was chatting with my friend so i thought yea this is a one time thing. well as time went on she wud happen to be online as i was on the bike so i hd the distraction i needed. but then it happened. she left her country to a place devoid of internet connection..but did i give up, did i leave the bike, u know i didnt! and the other day i was on the bike for ready for this HALF AN HOUR even without music. so now my next thing to tackle is the treadmill(i really dont like it!)
so moral of the story dont let your pre-concieved notions of -ive tried this before- get u. thats the yezer hara talking. u can do it, it may need a little push a lot of sweat but if its something that u are passionate about and really wanna change..well then the power is in you!


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