So whats it gonna be?

So..It happened again..i was sleeping blissfully and i get a phone call..number looks vaguely familiar..its the owner of the didnt yet register that it was friday..heellooo? i say ..its 630!...OMG! i jumped up so sorry im so sorry..,i got my contacts in (glasses are broken) grabbed a skirt off the floor a t-shirt my keys a siddur on my way out jumped into the car and hit the pedal to the metal.i just checked my phone she called me 631 i got here 636. which is nuts. a few pple were waiting outside and i ran in apologizing as i did turning everything on as quickly as possible. yea, basically thats my story for the morning. now that i think abt it i have a very fuzy memry of my alarm goin off and i was thinking why in the world is my alarm going off i turned it off and promptly to returned to my REM cycle (aka sleep) but when she first called me im like ..oh my alarm must've not gone off..but as i was racing to get here i remembered that it had indeed gone off i had just decided to completely ignore it.

So is there a lesson in my story? Do i need to dig further into the recesses of my mind to find something else to talk abt? Oh yea btw, i actually wanted to study chemistry last night be all prepared for class but it turns out i left my book in class and i have no idea if ill get it back..but thats besides the point..or maybe not we'll see.

K i think i may have something we'll see how it works. we all have responsibilities, we all have relatiobships taht require nurturing a care and we all have constant nisyonos in life. these are all things that require energy. they require us to give of ourselves and therby diminishing(it seems ) of ourselves in order to accomplish what needs to be done. however we seem to get caught up in whatever it is taht keeps us so busy that we forget. we are too busy sleeping, playing, reading, cleaning i dont know whatever it is that keeps us sooo busy taht we forget what our roles really are. we forget to whom we are responsible to for what it is taht we are really being held accountable.
a mother who spends hours keeping her home perfectly clean and doesnt have time to play withher kids cuz she's too busy waxing the kitchen floor..she's lost her focus. she has forgotten why it is that she is keeping the clean house-so her children can learn and grow in a homey environment. but if there is no love then the kids dont really gain anything from having a sparkling clean home.

so then sometimes we set alarms. we get messages. mommy mommy come play with us please?! but then we just ignore the alarm the messages that are being sent to us and we go back to whatever it is we are doing or not doing as the case may be. now there is no doubt in my mind taht i was tired and believe u me i am still tired. I've been studying non-stop (two more weeks!) plus working out like an insane woman bootcamp in the morning kickboxing at night adn school all day. thats basically my schedule. so yes my body needed the sleep and yes there are things that we need to take care of bcz we are human adn we are physical beings and we do live in this world so we do have to spend sometime doing things that may not exactly be leading us to our real purpose in life- to grow and become closer to G-d.

but if u've been good girls and have followed my advice then it shudnt be so hard. if u took my suggestion seriously and bought that notebook and have been looking for Hashem in every part of your life then its gonna be harder to ignore that alarm. it'll be like hitting the snooze buttion or even like setting ten alarms to get u up in the morning. it is a constant reminder a buzz to your day that yes u have to go to the grocery store to buy food cuz u gotta eat but when u see something there that inspires u. then it changes the whole picture. when one of my friends was in highschool she had this project (not the same school as me) she had a leaf project. she had to find leaves from like a zillion diff trees and plants adn then do a whole project explaining the defining features of the tree and all sorts of stuff. so what did she do - her and everyone else in the class- they spent months lookin for leaves. everywhere they went they would look all over looking for these leaves. and i mean all over like when she went to the mall she combed the parking lot, behind old houses everywhere!
u get where i am going with this? we need to spend our lives searching, looking, digging, trying to find that pearl that drop of inspiration taht will illuminate teh day. make everything suddenly sparkling clear.
basic chemistry- graphite (the stuff in pencils) and diamonds are made of the same thing..carbon. tho they look completely differnt they are made of exactly teh same ingridient- carbon atomic mass 12. now whats the difference? the structure the way the carbon molecules bind together in graphite are completely differnt than the way they bind in diamonds. one is gray sorta crumbly nothin that special..but diamonds wow! they are one of the hardest substances in teh world nothing scratches diamonds and their beauty! one of the greatest in the world. so believe it or not we are carbon based too. if u had any idea how much carbon was in ur ur choice is to be like the graphite or the diamond; the chemical make up is all there. u have the option. u can put the molecules together to form anything u want. u can choose to be awake, to be a light onto the nations to inspire and be inspired to illuminate the world daily with ur decisons (thast the diamond btw) or u can choose to be dull and grey, u crumble and dont really inspire much, u can choose to be sleepy and ignore all the alarms or just to turn it off once and for all never to hear it again.(thast the graphite)

we all have choices taht we can make, we can not always choose the opportunitues or the situations taht we are put in to but we do have the ability and this is what makes us human..the ability to choose our reaction. we are never allowed to say.."its her fault-she put me in a bad mood" we do not have that luxury nor do we want it. we are thinking people with neshamos that Hashem gave us to use to grow and make good decisions. we cant choose what happens to us..but the choice that we make to react to that situation..thats up to us. its those moments that make us who we are. we didnt choose to be made of carbon tahts not our choice but to be graphite or a diamond..that is ur decision whats it gonna be?

ps. i guess the chem book story really was besides the point.


  1. Who ever thought chemistry could be sucha inspiration!



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