Whistle while u work

So this week i should have no shortage of what to talk about Rosh Chodesh Elul and stuff..right? the perfect opportunity to bang out the mussar..joking..but really bh i was the car yesterday and i had a flash of inspiration lets see how long it lasts..

this week my parents both called me multiple times to remind me that this week is police week..the police are everywhere watching the streets ready to catch anyone who is doing the slightest thing wrong...seriously ticket happy. my father reminded make sure u signal don't go a mile over the speed limit..the police are in unmarked cars..be careful. my parents know my inclination to speed and know that i must be forewarned and yesterday as i was double checking my speed and making sure i signal before i change lanes tho no one was there it hit me..perfect blog topic..

its not like these laws are new or that i just learned abt them and now I'm being careful..these are laws that i new before i even began to drive at the tender age of 15..everyone knows them but i didn't really care cuz there are never any cops no one is watching so whats the point..but this week..i knew they were watching they were hiding seeing how we do especially when its announced that the police are watching ..its been on the news for weeks..see where I'm going with this?

today is rosh chodesh elul..the month of teshuva..its the time when we are or shud be at least paying a bit more attention to the laws..making sure we don't even step a toe out of line..the message couldn't have been clearer the timing more perfect as the police watch week is ending today..we are just beginning..we now have 40 days till yom kippur..and everyone is watching..Hashem is watching..He knows that we know that He is watching and He is waiting to see how we respond..do we ignore this special time of closeness and continue to speed or do we show Him that we love Him and that His mitzvos are holy and precious to us?

and its not just Hashem who is watching..the yetzer hara the satan is waiting in the unmarked car and he is watching to..waiting for u to slip up and then he goes running to Hashem and he writes u up..when we say yetzer hara it seems like its something natural that's part of us but I've heard "him" being referred to as the devil and i think that is more effective when we try to battle him. its hard ti imagine needing to battle ourselves but if we have this image of a devil (pitchfork and all) we can start to see that the yetzer hara/satan/;devil is just there to get u burned literally. he sweet talks his way into our conscience looking all innocent in the white unmarked car driving like everyone else and as soon as u step on the pedal a bit to hard ....the siren starts ringing and the police chase starts except the satan does not need to do no chase he has all your info he has your social security number your licence your insurance numbers..and he brings them all in front of the Judge and writes u up and there is nothing u can say or do..u were forewarned..these are the days..days of intensity days of opportunity...days of absolute importance..we must utilize them

and its not just these days cuz though we forget, He is always watching always making sure we are doing what we are supposed to be doing..cuz He loves us wants what is best for us..tho we always think we know better the old adage ' daddy knows best' holds true..we are so blinded by the world we live in we forget what it is that we really want we forget that torah is truth and that the world is sheker...its our job in this world to get past the sheker to wipe it away..the emet is there its hidden deep underneath all the filth that we have created and glorified in this society of shtus and garbage..we need to dig deep. anyone who has lost her retainer and had to go digging through the dumpster to find it..(not me BH) knows that digging thru trash is nasty work.its smelly ..its gross..its hard..it stinks..but finally when u get to the bottom and u find it wrapped in that tissue..when we find the truth in this world..its beautiful

once the garbage is cleaned away from our souls we then have to polish it refine it and then the light that comes from a pure soul is like no other..this is the light we hope to achieve on yom kippur on the day when become like malochim..completely pure untainted by the garbage of this world..clean and shining! we now have 40 days to clean, scrub and polish and we are gonna have to face some nasy things..stuff tyhat oinloy u know about and wish u didn't.and we gotta clean get the heavy degreaser out and polish and polish..and on yom kippur we will shine

happy cleaning!


  1. wow Devo! I just reading your blog again after awhile. thanks for the down to earth and to- the-point reminders/ encouragment. I like this one especially. keep strong. keep it up. sending my love, Breiny.


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