coffee and chemistry(sorta)

Allo allo,
mah nishman banot? its been a long week ive been sitting here trying to figuire out what it is exactly that im gonna talk about this week and ive been brainstorming- yea exactly how u do in english class when ur in high school..trying to remember exactly what happened this week that was noteworthy and what can i conjnect what can i glean a lesson from the answer is obviusly everything but not at the point where i can see it in EVERYTHING so im taking notes adn jotting it all down so i think that ive gotten a mashehu of mashehu something but i just remembered a pretty big thing so well start with that...

ya'll knw that im pretty much a work out freak..two things in my life..can u guiess ..yup school and teh lately my knees been hurting but ive been ignoring it cuz i had no patience to go to the dr its so far youngand healthy i figuired it wud go away on its own byt unfortunatly..not so much. so here i am feeilng like an old lady cuz at 21 it hurts to do squats whats up with that?not cool..anyways i decided that maybe after telling everyone that the yshud go to the doc for everything maybe i shud take my own advice..fine so yesterday i went and after almost an hr of waiting adn i get to see teh doc (no worries b rought my bio book so i was studying in btwn) and after an examination he confirms my theory for me knee pain..patellar tendons coming off me knee were inflamed from workng out too much..i know right? so im like now he says that u need to give ur knee a break..ur hurting urself so no strenous knee excersises..but im like..uhh all cardio excerises are with teh knee..u mean i cant kickbox!!!!!!??..hes like no kickboxing! he says u can do upper body stuff like...uhh that is NOT CARDIO! whatever so basically now im stuck with no workout options..that means my life has been reduced from two things- to one-school and taht def does not make me a happy camper...

shaychus to ur lives ur still tryin to figuire that i think i got it..u probably already do to..but still ...
we all have our goals things we wanna accomplish especially at this time of yr and we head out full force we take all the inspiration from these holy days and we hit teh ground running...we steam roll ahead going and going..but then..yea we burn and im not saying everything taht we got from the holy days has burnt out but we need to be careful. my friend got married in august and i was determined before her wedding taht i was gonna get SKINNY! k not realy skinny but relatively i hit the gym hardcore! i went to bootcamp..classes...machines..i was here lireally three hoiurs a day doing three classes in a row going thru water bottles like u cant imagine! and BH i did lose weight and im still trying to get my hours in but cant as much with school and stuff..but suffering the gym for me and yall know how hard that is for me..but i gotta lay off..

so now heres my mashehu of a mashehu which i am so excited that it fits in and then we'll tie it all besides being a gym junkie i happen to become a recent obessee with cofffee. i love playing with diff flavors mixes..its just fun - my creative outlet these days sad i know but this is my recently i decided to go for an expresso bag of coffee from starbucks..i get home and i put ot on teh all excited to drink it and one day wghen i know its gonna be a long one at school im all excited to make it so i open the bag and unbeknownst to me it was whole bean what am i supposed to do with that?
anyways that night my mother comes to my room adn shes like-whats with the coffee? yea i knwo i tell she tells me taht apparently we have a coffee grinder..yay! so im so i went to make the coffee..and i had to grind the coffe and then wait for it to drip thru the was really good but let me tell u it took a lot longer to make than my insant coffee that i started drinking in my ametur get where im going with this?

when things take longer to accomplish they usually are a sign that its of better quality..a paper u write in an hr and a paper you write in a week (not cuz u were procastinating) is gonna be very diff! a steak u slow roast or fry in a pan..theres a diff ini taste and quality..crash diets dont work precisley for that reason..they are crash u lose a few pounds fast adn then bam! its gone! weight taht is lost healthily and over a period of time is more stable and is more likely to stay off for longer..hence we come to life changes..back to the begining of the page..we chose things we wanna work on..and cheshvan is the month to digest everuything tha we experienced in the last month of craziness and get it all sit down and sort..take the time to digest..bcz otherwise its justy gonna fly right by you..your gonna miss it all and then thats not good cuz once the point?
recently asked a friend- if u cud experience a yr of absolute happiness but after u wudnt remember wud it be worth it? and she replied that it wudnt cuz whats the point..u wudnt remember..and i said well ud be happy for that yr isnt that worth it? but we dont live for the moment,thats not how we live our lives. As jews we are always looking at the long term affects of what we do..what are the consequences of my is it gonna affect the world, my neshama, olam haba, my chidren,my family my community..what will be ten yrs down the rd? we always look at the effect (or affect im never sure) and then we make a decsion. so the holidays were great we had an awesome time but what was the wasnt just for the moment..its to last to change us and for us to bring with us throigh the year as well as the rest of our lives..

so we need to be smart about the changes taht we make...what is it taht im gonna take with me and what are the consequences of that..cuz if we go crash diet style bring it all at once...then the effects arent real. they dont last and nothing has been accomplished..and if u take too much then u end up with tendnitis..and it hurts to seriously..if u take it slow and start with good quality stuff then u know the end will be good. it may take a little longer to get may take a little longer to see ur results but when u get them u know they are real and u know that they aer good. and of course i had to bring the chemiustry we had to seperate the coumpunds right? the people who waitd the longest for eacch drop ot come out had the best from coffee to chemistry to steak and even wine always when u take a little longer to get to the finished product it has better quality..
So take ur time this month-cheshvan-chash- quiet-to digest, sort out the past month and make goals taht are real and will give u quality a good cup of coffee - its worth teh wait!


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