its shocking really

so as usual, i have no idea what to talk about, but as i start to brainstorm i start to think of a few things..ill type em up and see where it goes..

so we'll start with tues..

so tuesday was the first day of yoga bootcfamp..yes thats right u read that correcty, i - an avid kick boxer has given in to yoga..y u ask? well its not with absoplute joy and excitemnent as regular boot camp. but as previously mentioned i have tendinitis and cannot do regular bootcamp so i have grudgingly decided that maybe i shud go for a change in pace..i even went out and bought yoga pants and came tues morn -630 am i was standing in teh gym with my mat reday to partake of the yoga practice (thats what its really called) and as teh new age music fills the room, im feeling my years of pent up cynicism for yoga spill out..but i try to control myself..ur gonna do saidf ur gonna do something new..and just i grinned and bore it..then wedneday morn..i woke up agian..yet somehow i cudnt convince myself to get up to do something i didnt want top do at such an inane hour..not worth i promptly went back to sleep

(much better usage of my time i think) when i eventually woke up i chek my email and there is an emial for teh head of the yoga thing..being all like i was disappointed to see that u werent there this morn..i know its noit your thing but i think it wud be great for you..blah blha i email her back that i didnt come cuz i was tired but i do think that im gonna do it..she sends me back " applous to you for allowing your self to experinece something new, this is how we chanmeg and grow..bla bla bla.." at this point im like this is why i dont do yoga..

anyways fast forward to wednesday by nw u knwo that myt cmpod is cursed and has serious basicfally this week i left my graphs of my vials with my info all at home so i needed to do it again..and of ciyrse cuz my compound taht was given to me is so messed up it takes firever so my teach is like- just go home and get them..i was like..u serious? iut takes me 45 mins each way..he in turn responded taht wud be faster than graphing al this stuff iver again..seriously! so basically i ended up calling my sister adn she gave me the info i needed and then i basicaly got from that, that i needed to start my distillation over by the time i got that started..lab was opver and i had to go home..(shame right?) accomplishing nothing

next comes..thats right class ive been dying to cut my hair short for a long time and finally last night i plucked up the courage to do yes now much to everyones shock ( i didnt tell anyone) my hair is super duper short- so short that it cant fit in a pony tail..after much consideration i just chopped it all off!

so whats the lesson? whats the common thread? good question..hopefully i have a good seems to me that the common thread of my week ..embracing the new and un explored. what does that have anything to do with anything..well last week i talked abt over exerting ourselves..lead to then we cant do what we are used we need to take another path..hence the yoga..and as much as i highly do like it and as much as im cynical about it..its somethiing that im pushing myself to do..and as tra teh yoga instructor said..its the things taht we are the most resistant about that are often the thngs we have to work the hardest at..those are the things we need to do the most. when an excersise hurts a certain muscle that means that muscle is week and needs to be tughened ive been kickboxing for years and i love it but it doesnt challenge me in the same way it used pilates which i did on sun btw-challenged me i was sore thru tues with taht one and yoga.well i did feel it as i was doin it. when we take different paths it challenges us in a way taht teh old nevr did. thats why they are different. if they had the same effect what wud be the point of having two of teh same thing? not much right?
sometime we need to take things on straight on..but sometimes the road less taken..the path of least many ways to accomplish things and they all have their pros and cons- highway is faster but the back roads may be better during traffic. right now my knee is in traffic so i gotta take teh back rd- may seem a little slower (believe u me yoga is slow!) but it is still effective it still gets u where u need to go..

so whast teh point of teh lab story as fascinating as it professor wanted me to go home..go all teh way back cuz i was facing a wall and there was nothing i cud accomplish withoiut my unless my sister was home to give me teh info..its again like driving..ur on your way somewhere..and then u get really lost so u have too choices go back home..start over this time with directions in hand or call someone to give u teh directions. u need that information how u get it..thats up to may be worth it just to go back..also when we are making changes in our lives sometimes we get lost along the way we get confused not really sure where it is taht we are headed..we know that Torah is home , Torah is our map for either we need to go back to the source ,open the sefer and learn it or we get someone to tell it to us, a teacher , a rav, a class, a tape..whatever it is you need to get back on track...and it may be teh most obvious way staring you in teh face..just call home and get what u need

we need to look for changes..when we get stagnant thats when we lose momentum we lose our focus. any workout person knows that u cant do teh same routine everyday that wont accomplish anything change is a good thing. we need to embrace it. and we may be cynical about it at first, we may grumble and we may complain..i cant believe im doing this - i dont wanna be doing this right takes guts. moving from the known to the unknown. as i was getting my hiarcut my friend asked me "u sure this is a big cut- risky" and i was like if i dont do it knw i wont ever- ive been psyching myself up for this for a while and just needed take the plunge!
and if its done correctly with the proper advisemnet of course..teh change ur scared ot hesistant to take cud be the best thing uve ever done. and like me shock everyone with your change and get complimenst everwhere u go.

u ready to shock the world ?


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