Chemistry again

k guys im seriously late this week plus i have no idea what im gonna talk aboiut so im going back to lab, i was thinking that i probably i shudnt cuz seriusly i think yall as sick of hearing about it as i am from going to it...but its all i have to start with so we'll see..
so continuing from last week, i get to lab and i set up the whole distillation contraption close the hood( so cold air doest get in) and i start working on the other parts of my experiment. trying to figuire out excatly what my thing that ive been working so hard to get is..
so two things first- before lab i went to my TA and i told her that im nevr gonna fnish my experiment cuz everytime we distill it we have to gas chromatagrophy(GC) it ( refer back to old posts if u dont know what that is or u cud just google it) to see how pure it previusly mentioned my compound is nearly impossible to GC and it takes forevr just to graph it..fine so she said while im running my experiment she;ll take some of my original sample adn run it till she gets it and then when it comes for me to do teh machien will be ready, fine..
second thing that we also have to do with our stuff is an infared spectrum (IR) of the pure, high boiler. this spectrum shows you diffrent peaks in different areas and based on the position and teh depth of the peaks we can tell what family of compound it is..then based off that information we do other tests to confirm, clarify adn specify exactly waht it is that we have.
fine so im set up my distillation appartaus up and so then i go to check in on my TA to see if shes having luck but then i see to my suprise that there is somone on my machine..MY MACHINE! so i start calling oiut my TA 's name " sara, sara theres someone on my machine" shes like yea it wasnt working so i changed machines trying to get something.. fine i leave it to her trusty hands and go back to my desk start doing my chemical tests , first doing my IR again then checkin that im doin the right experoiment. but ur not supposed to test it right away with ur compund ur supposed to use a known for example. i knew that my compd contained an alchol, the question was if t ws primary secondary or tertiary, so tested it using teh lucas ragent on a known tertiary cmpund if the correct reaction took place then i knew that the lucas reagent was correct adn not contaminated and then i used it on my belovedly purified compound no one is gonna mess that up!
so in the interim i go visit sara to see whats up nad how teh GCing is going, she looks at me shes like this isnt working ad no she isnt suprised, so she goes to the proffesor (Pascoe) adn asks him..soon later she asks me for my unknown number and comes back with seperated pure high and low! meaning all my distillations, hrs waitying ..worthless they just gave me the pure at the end..what was the point? meanwhile my cousin had gotten engaged that night and i was dying to go to the l'chayim ..but i figuired id run a few quick tests and be outta there..yea right..i went to gc my supposedly pure subtsance and of course nothing showed up..i went to her and im like saraaaaa...its not working..shocker right? so she looks at me and shes like- dont worrt about it u wanna leave for ur friends engagement u go well figuire it out nxt i packed up all my stuff..threw out my stuff i worked so hard to get..and was outta there at a shocking early tme of 815.

so moral of the whole story?
well few will start with teh one that hit me the last and work backwards..we are all puppets in this looks like we are doing it but really its all Him. and especially when it coems to nisyonos..Hashem tests us and we struggle, its frustrating it can give us white hairs ( i have at least twol rigjt now) it can be downright annoying but eventually we hopefully get what we want what we think we want anyway..and then we go to test it- we get put in a postin again to see if that chnage was real if its pure..but somehow its just not showing up so we tru again we set the whole plan up we get our supplies taht we need and we give it a second ago yet its still not working so what happens..suddenly it seems that it all works out. all taht we have to do is try. we are not exoected to get perfect results. we just have to show taht we are ready to put in the effort and accomplish, we have to show that we are going to do teh work, but in teh end of teh day Hashem gives us agift, He gives us what we;ve been working for and its pure. and what we get has nothing to do with waht we actually did, we didnt get the pure stuff it was given to us, but it doenst come easily it comes fromsitting in lab week after week trying to get resulst without anuthing actually coming out from our endeavors, all we have to make a small hole, teh size of a needle hole and He widens it for us. we have to show that we really want it then actually do the steps that make it look like we did it, looks like it was a production of ouyr efforts..but the test is knowing that we arent the ones that did it- iT was Hashem who gave us, despite the fact taht we did the work and it looks like we did- this was something taht was juist very much clarified to me as i was typing..

oh yea..reading teh IR. this is good- the world can look like a bunch of mumbo jumbo sometimes. i think the common comparisn is that its the back of a tapestry. lines everywere, up and down and we dont know what to make of it..that is those without teh giude of TOrah dont knowe what to make of it..but those of us who have a trained eye know what to look for then suddenlt the linees become clear. we did an IR on caffeine like tge firsty week of lab and we had no idea what all teh lines up and down ment..loked like abolute chaos to us..but recently we have elearned how to read it and now its clear... i can look at it an dsee that its an alcohol.. and ten based off that i can do further experiments..yada yada yada..

when we have the giude of torah, life isnt chaos its not just a mess of things we can see order in the perfection of HIs world and once we do that can we clarify things adjust teh agnifications, figuire things out clearly but we do have the basics, its fine tuning from now on..


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