no marta..

Ladies..get ready it has happend again..ive been challenged..u ready for it..ive been challenged..not to talk about parking or chemistry! shocking i know and i accepted the challenge cuz i am not one to walk away from a challenge but now teh question is..what do i talk about- actuallly it seems taht is always teh question.
so i did not want to get outta bed this morn so by the time i did that and managed to make my new cut look presentable no time for teh all mighty coffee so it may be a bit slow coming out or not so coeherent or both..let us pray that it will be ok.

so i asked my challenger if i cud talk abt a different school subject or was only chemistry banned?so she said taht if i must i may so i must so now i will continue as biology we're doing evolutionary theory. i dont usually listen in class and what with teh advnt of the new topic even less often..up untill yesterday i was ok with teh class material . he opened the discussion about how tho it says teh world was created in 7 days philosphers say taht day then wasnt nessisarily teh 24 hr period we think of like uhhuhh that makes sense..and we've been discusion how speciation occurs..yada yada yada..and ive been ok with it . but then yesterday he said something taht really bothered me like really bothered me. he took the last ten minutes cuz he wanted to discuss " social evolutionary theory" basically how the theory of evolutin plays out in society. and teh basic gist of what he was saying is that belief in creation is unintelligent adn foolish cuz its based on blind faith. scientists, he says, dont believe in evolution they accept it cuz teh word belief indicates blindeness- that u have to take a leap of faith..that their is no evidence backing it up. he brought up comics that all made fun of the belief of intelligent design and belief in G-d. and the reason people dont want to believe that they came from monkeys is bcz they are too haughty and proud to consider taht they are not higher the on the chain of beings than the monkeys. he was saying that man is a proud animal and he doenst wanna have to step down on the ladder adn make room for a monkey so thats why people dont wnna believe in evolution.

so me and my lab partner ( who is a dveout christian) were shakling our heads the whole time i was just flat out ignoring him i was emialing playing on my ipod..finally at teh end of class i was talking to her and we were both saying how wring it is taht he has such umpressionable youth in teh class taht dont knwo what tehy beileve adn they have a teacher here bashing religion, G-d and all that..shes liek im gonna go give him a piece of my mind..i was like - u go girl- im not messing with the prof..
anywys after taht i went to daven mincha ( tenth floof by teh steps) adn it wsa one of teh best michas ive had in a long time..and i was trying to figure out what was diff and this is the point taht i want to get to.

sometimes it takes opposition to make us stronger. to remind us taht we have something that we are living for, something that makes us get up in teh ive said before, when u want to develop muscles we need to increase tension to build. and this teacher really incited in me a belief. we all believe in G-d , taht He created teh world and none of us think taht we came from monkeys..but how often do we stop to think about the fact taht we believe and what that means to us..
im currently learning with my fam on shabbat " shabbat in my soul"adn we read one section each meal..and last week one of the things that it was discussing is how do we feel our neshama yesira? what can we do to make sure taht we feel it? teh answer is to simply be aware taht we have one and constantly remind ourselves and through that..when we are aware of the extra heigtened level of kedusha that we have then we will do things taht are appropriate to that extra nesham. teh same applies to during teh week. if we are aware of our belief in Hashem and of our neshama then our actions reflect that belief and thru that we become cloiser and holier..and the cycle continues. its a lifelong process and it requires that we constantly aware.

personally, davening is not my strong suit i get distracted easily and my mind starts to wander and ive tried everyting , prayin with fire, r'pincus, translations..and still but how much diff wud it be if with everyword i said i was consiously aware of teh fact that i was standing before the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE! then maybe my tefillos wud be more like the micha after my class on evolution. at which point i had such an awareness of Hashem and His greatness and how cud he, my profeser a bioligist, ignore that and not only tat but mock those who have their eyes open to the truth when it is so easy to get stuck.
something a bit lighter to finish off with and it has nothing to do with my science education i this morn i woke up finally and got up and i turned on my anyone who knows me knows this is not typical me behavio(u) why is it taht i foudn myself at 530 in the am straightening adn fixing my hair? tahts because as much as i bemoan teh fact that this cut is waaaay too high maintenance for me i still like it and actually i really like it so i have to go out of my natire and do things taht i dont necessarily enjoy bcz i know teh end result will be good for me ( kinda like yoga) and well worth teh too in our avodas Hashem..sometimes we are forced to do things that we dont wanna do, it cud be as simple as listening to our parents ( which obviously isnt so simple) to not buying that top even tho its sooo cute and looks amaaazing on you..but we do "sacrifice" and we give up on our personal prefrences cuz we know taht in teh end of teh day we aer gonna liek the results. and Hashem knows it too. and as much as it pains Him to put us in difficult situtains..situations taht may test our faith, situatins that may leave us wondering cud have G-d allowed that to happen?..but when we pass and we will that fire that is now in us cannot be described the energy that is released with us inspires us adn pushes us to go further to get stronger - pick up a heavier weight..whatever it may be..
so in the famouse words of ..i dont knwo who..


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