roadblocks at marta and life

The prevading theme this week was parking stories! and who can resist a good parking story? Not me thats for sure! so i believe it was Mon i went to marta - i even left the house a little early cuz i had a test..fine i get there and my parking deck is closed so i have to go aroudn to teh other one on the other side which i always get lost in...fine bh i had some time to play with..but at the deck if i want free parking i have to go iup to the third floor..and of course there was no empty spots till like the 6th floor mind u the second floor was completely devoid of any motor vehicles. tues somehow i managed to park in the regular parking deck. wednesday..again it was closed to i had to go around and there was this empty spot right before the third floor which i was tempted to take and the just walk over and stick my ticket thru the acceptor ( when u come in u get a ticket and then when leaving the third floor u stick it thr u a reader which says u were that high so u dont get charged when u leave) so i just wanted to park where i was and then walk thru the card reader..but then deciding taht wasnt so honest i went up to the fifth floor, and when i finally came off marta after lab on wed it was ten something i pass my card thru the reader adn come out to the cashier and i see that there is no fee after a certain time and i neednt have worried abt parking so hig cuz there was no cashier to even check my ticket..fine that annoyed me a but but whatevs man..moving on to thursday(i.e yesterday) so i leave a little late cuz my bio teacher always spends the first ten mins reviewing and stuff plus were learning evolution which im not so excited about..fine so i go to marta and the parking deck is - shockingly- closed- so i go around to go the other one but the path to that is blocked! so i ask the policeman standing there-uhuh how do i park? he responds that i have to go back into traffic ad turn around and go thru the other entrance- fine takes me a while i get back in go in thru the entrance but somehow miss the turn to the deck..fine turn around again and make a whole nother circle and return get to the right parking deck get my ticket get a spot on the third floor! yay! and mind u its about 410 class starts at 4..yea..i know anyays i get to class by thats the week in a nutshell- parking wise what am i getting at? i wish i knew..

here goes nothing..we all have places we wanna go people we wanna be..and we follow the path we've been taking. we take known rd and continue forward..yet sometimes there are teh question i always have is that is this blopckage from G0d cuz either He is testing me and wants to see if i will continue to pursue it despite the hardships..or cuz its not good for me and Hes trying to get me to stay where i am and not go down this path. But there is also another option, another way to look at it. is it the yetzer hara trying to stop me cuz he knows that if i get thru the spiritual ramifications are going to absolutely tremendous? is this going easily cuz G-d wants me to do this or is it going smoothly cuz the yetzer hara wants it to happen its all part of his plan so hes gonna make sure you get to do what u want to do- is he orcjestrating it so u fall into his trap without realizing?

we have to be aware of our motivations. we all get blockages and BH we are hgiven teh sechel to re-route. just as the GPS can re-route if u make a wrong turn. we are able to make a detour and not get lost. we BH have the brain power to look at a situation from different angles, if its not working from one angle then look at it differntly. try something different. this applies to our spiritual blockages as well as our physical ones. it can be as simple as missing an ingridient in a recipe adn figiuirung out that sometimes u can use oil stead of margarine. oj stead of water. or it can go as deep as why cant i concentrate properly on my tefilla. we are blessed with enormuos brain power and we try, hopefully, to utilize it.

however, before we go into re-route mode..we need to look at who we are, where we come from, and exactly where is it taht we are going? where is it that we are trying to get to..and why isnt working? who is the one putting up teh blockages? adn what is the purpose of them. this requires seroius introspection and self knowledge. we must be honest with ourselves which always isnt so easy or pretty. we are very good at deluding oursleves we can make oursleves believe anything but deep down..we know the truth. we know why it is we are doing what it is. we know why we wanna go down a certain path. cones are put up to help direct tell us where to go..but we have to know who it is thats putting up the it the policeman who is dirceting traffic? or is it like those camp stories i read about when there is are two teams competing thru a race of sorts and one team trying to mess with teh other one, moves the cone/arrow/sign..directing the other team in a completely opposite direction that leads to absoluetly no where at best to danger and distruction at worst...

so notice the road blocks that we are given..notice where is that u r being stopped and contemplate..y am i being stopped and who it is that is stopping me ad that shud give us teh direction in which we need to continue


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