bronchitis, a hair cut , and faulty breaks..

So the big news of the week is two-fold and im sitting here trying to remember what happened this week, and im thinking- really nothing happened? is that possible do i have nothing to write about? that cant be! and then it hit me..hello! i have bronchitis! (inflammation of the bronchioles.) and one other minor detail..i got another haircut! i know right its short, really short , shorter than last time and let me tell you its taking getting used to but it def takes lets time to do which is nice. and as im reminiscing my hair cut i just remembered something else that happened.yay! more material to work with.. yesterday i went to get my brakes checked cuz the lights been flashing and its an oldish car so though i really wasn't in the mood had tonz of studying to do i went i get there and the mechanic takes a look at my brakes and then proceeds to tell me that the front breaks have abt ten percent left on them and are complete;y dangerous to be driving around with, the back breaks are cracked-drivable but not the best option in the world.. the guy told me it wud be abt an hr till the car wud be fixed and i wasnt gonna hang there for an hr so i started the 15-20 min treck i dont know abt yall but i dont do much walkin during the course of the week (unless u count walking to and from marta) so it was refreshing though it was freezing outside and all i had was a raincoat-yea it was also raining (not so good for the bronchitis may i add)

so my first thought as i was coming up with the dry spell, is that how is that possible that nothing had happened,m and then after some serious thought (it took me a really long time) the thing that woke me up was a cough..hello-bronchitis-no voice and then i ran my hand thru my hair thinking abt what to write and then it hit me...hello- huge hair cut! and then i was hit with this sense of patheticness (if thats a word) that i cant believe that i forgot such is it possible? but then i realized that this in itself is a huge lesson in itself! how often is that we experience huge things, katrina, teh tsunami, 9/11, Haiti earthquake, the war I'm Lebanon (the summer before i went to sem...) huge events in history that we lived thru.. i can only imagine what the history books our kids are going to learn will have written in em..and whenever catastrophe hits teh gedolim come out and tell us that this is a wake up call,G-d is telling us something heed it, the warn otherwise the nxt call might just deafen us..and we all jump on the band-wagon and we make "changes" promising ourselves that we will never forget this huge lesson that G-d has shared with us..yet with time somehow it slips our minds..we kinda push it to the back of our minds and move on..

this is human nature to forget and move on; its a defense mechanism that we have set up, it allows us to grieve the pain but then gather ourselves up and move on to bigger and better things and at times this can be a huge bracha, the ability to move on and forget the past has saved many a person from a perpetual depression and BH that we have it, but as with anything it can be used to make us closer to Hashem or take us further away..the choice us ours.. we cannot allow the lessons that are given to us in such a grand fashion be forgotten quickly..we have to make sure that we remember and keep it with us, otherwise the very obvious turns to obscurity, we fall into a passivity of life without actively living every moment and making it historical in our minds

and this leads me to the sudden remembrance of the brakes on my car, there is an expression -when it rains, it pours and here that is def the case it is raining cats and dogs right now and i think that in between the time i went out to turn on my car this morning and comin out ten mins later to hit the rd i think it got significantly worse if thats possible..anyways..what im sayin is that when we start looking for Him in our lives its like a light is being turned on and u see the world in a whole new way and all of a sudden u see His hand in everything , in everyplace, the mechanic, college campus, plant life cycles, standing in Starbucks..whatever the places u frequent, the old song we learned when we were little " Hashem is here, Hashem is there, Hashem is everywhere.."(come on, and sing along..) is so true to the extent that we see Him and we let Him come in everywhere, chas v'shalom shud there be a place that He isnt.. that we shud be in a place that is devoid of G-d? unthinkable!

when i was on my treck ofg giving up non-jewish music i was very principled and didnt listen but i had an exception, when i worked out, i wud listen to it cuz come one u cant workout to jewish music, it just doenst work, so here i was sayinh G-d, ur right this stuff is bad for my neshama, everywhere else im good for the other 22hrs of th day ill do what U want but give me this two hr break, for me..and then i realized how rediculous i soiunded, do i really want to be devoid of HIs presence for two hours!!!! and is my workout and the healkth of my body really more important that the health of my neshama - taht was when i made the complete switch over  (my workoutrs have not sufferd no worries, bh!)

one last thing , with ten minutes left.lets do this, my brake pads where virtually gone, the mechanic was like, u know that sound ur car makes when ur breaking im lke yea..hes like thats teh sound of your somthing grindingh againt yoiur other something ( i dont know cars) u have no break pads left..and hes looking at me like how can u be so irresponsible to be driving aroudn with a car that has cracked brake pads in the back and like none in teh front..and i realized that the probably is teh same when we are spiritualy defecient..we all know oursleves and we can tell when we realize taht our defenses are low, our inspiration hitting on empty, we hear teh noises so to say, but do we do anything about it? do we get it checked out, refill, fill in the cracks or do we wait till some forces u to get it checked out and then u see that really ur driving around in a dangerous world, speeding around everwhere, not having breaks, defesnses, proper ability to stop at a red light (red flag that otehrwise wud send us slammin on our brakes..) if we dont have that fixd right then we have serious get ur brakes checkedm get em checked often otherwise stay off teh road..happy driving!
(hope taht end part was clear...)


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