marta day

So I'm really late posting for the simple reason that there was no

internet at work.. The comp had gotten a virus and I brought my lap

top to try to maybe get wifi from the bagel place nxt door but alas

there was none so I'm reporting live ( the beg part anyway) from the

Marta train headed to gsu..I was debating what I shud write about but

I had two amazing flashes so far today that I just had to share!!

Number one is that as I'm sitting in my car on thv way to Marta and

I'm stopped by the red light I happened to glance at the car in front

of me.. It was the most amazing licencse plate I have yet to see it

said " pray up" now that's why I love the south ur not gonna find that

on any car in manhattan.. Now time for my second story.. I was on my

way from the car to the actual train station when I hear the train..

Naturally I start running to try to catch it.. But as I tap my car and

get in I hear that it's the northbound train I take the south so I

slow down taking my time suddenly I see that the south train is there

too!! I start running down the steps crazy fast skipping even and as I

stick out my hand to hold the door open it closes in my face! Dejected

I almost turn away yet somehow by some miracle literally it was

chasdei Hashem th door re-opened and I got on the train as evrone

aboard clapped ( I'm joking bout the clapping part)

There's one more stop and one more story - I'll see if I can

incorporate it in as I'm sitting here all innocently typing away on my

iPod this girl gets up tp get offa nd promptly stands on my foot

initially I winced in pain but then when she turned around I smiled

and said it was fine..
now that story time is over adn i have about 70 mins left in this math torture chamber..first off how often do you get a message straight like that to there was no hiddeness about no digging that had to be done it was a straight message-pray up..yes those who like to believe in coeincedence say that this is teh bible belt and and that its expected that people here are no stranger to religion no one fliches when i say thank G-d in response to how i am doing..yet it really is cool; people as for miracles they as to be shown Hashem in their everyday lives- much bigger than this does it get..plu i am a firm believe r that teh more u look for something the  more u will see it and i know ive said it ad nauseum but its true that the more u look teh more obvious it gets till its literally staring u in the face..ive exhasuted this topic  movin on
fastfoward to me running towards marta..and i hear it im pulling my card out as im running i rush in thru the gates i see the northbound train get distracted thinknh that i dont have to  rush this isnt for me only to see with horror that my train was indeed leaving soon and i almost missed it; it took a literal miracle to get me to school on  time- how often do we hear a message, a sound a warning adn we know taht for sure its ment for us..this is talking to me! but then we get sidetracked, we get distracted and all of a sudden were not running as fast towards that sound, and we start strolling along well get where we need to be but we are not going anywhere near as fast as we were going two mins ago..but then for a sec we get clarity teh lighting in teh dark night..we get that flash of clarity adn we know taht we better start running and running fast otherwise we are gonna get left behind as teh train woooshes past...
so we grab everything we have and  run but then we see the opportinioty shut in our faces,,that mitzva u wanted to do taht shiur u wanted to do that tehilim that u rememeberd that u realkly did want to seems to be gone so close yet so far..but then we have miracles G-d gives us another chance and lets us in; though according to teva we shudnt be able to do it; Hashem sees that we really want to do it so for a split sec He opens those doors cuz He loves u and believes in dont dissapoint Him show Him that u appreaciate teh miracle adn will use it to make today a better day than yesterday
so i still haevg 45 mins and one story teh girl stepped on my toe..not the worst pain ive ever expereineced (a girl stepped on me with her heel at a wedding months ago..the mark is still there) but it still hurt and the gut reaction is to express that pain but why was i so loathe to have her see my pain ; y didnt i show her exactly what she did why did i feel the need to smile and say its all ok?
now again this may have to do with my southerness adn that fact that everuthing here is soo chilled and laid back that i wud never instigate anything like that ever..but i dont think of any of my ny peeps went thru the same thing tehy wud say anythng has to do with our desire to maintain shalom to keep things happy adn good aminsgt teh world; world peace is the answer teh judges are always looking for right? and truelly as descendents of arohn hakohen we have it in our genetic make up to try to make peace. sometimes this might get us in trouble spirutually cuz we try to make piece with situations that shud not be made peace with..we haev to know when it is ok  to just be chilled and when its important to take a stand adn make a statement ( in a tznius way of course) i think i may havemore but i think this is where i sign off..peace out!


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