tne 21st century

So for some reason ive been procastinating all mornin to get this blog out tho i cant imagine y i messed with the page a bit checked my empty inbox like ten times, checked my phone..skipped a billion songs..but now down to tachlis..this week was interesting. I pulled my first all nighter in a long time, and so exciting web cam that i had been waiting for forever finaly arrived from hong kong! woohoo! so i connecetd it to my comp got all the software installed..and when the moment of truth came i got on to skype and made the phone call all excited that i was gonna suprise my friend with my beautiful my dismay and seerious frustration it did not work! As in the camera was workin ( i had tested it previously on my own) but the stream was not in the correct form for skype which was a pain! so i started playing with all the settings, restarted my comp, re-installed the software fixing any problems that may have been there the first time around..all to no avail! and everytime i tried activating the camera there was this small glimmer of hope as i prayed that it wud work! and everytime it didnt i was increasingly frustrated.

now this was all during my all nighter as i was supposed to be studying for my bio test...once this test was out of the way i decided to revisit the issue. i went to the skype help pages trying to see what it heavens name was wrong..i checked everything and it was all right so i was so foncused..and then i saw one thing- make sure you and the person u are calling both have the latest version of i was pretty sure that i had the latest version it hasnt been taht long since i had gotten it plus i was sure taht if there was a new version id get a notice. anyone with itunes knows that every other day u get a message abt the latest version of imagine my suprise when i get onto skypes page and i see that yes, there is a new beta version i proceed to download it asap and bh! lo and behold my camera is working! joy to the world! yet this is a small glitch to my happiness tho the cam is working on my end..not so much by her..yup u guessed it..she also needed to upgrade..and now that we are both the the beta version it is absolutely glorious and i can use my new webcam which has a spotlight i might add..

so nu..lets go i have 16 mins to get this out..i said something like this before i think but maybe well add a twist. this first part is pretty obvious. when things are not working we need to check out why is it that its not working why is my new sefer not helping me, y is it that this new class isnt helping as much as i is possible that the tool itself is faultyy (old cam broke hence the new one) or it may be that u have been outdated and need to be no one go and take offense in that statment. one of the lessons of the fast paced world is this that we cant stay still we cant not be moving otherwise u are so last century, behind in the times while everyone is miles ahead! u need to be constantly moving forwrad simply to keep up with the flow, tech junkies are reseraching new gadgets moonths before they actually come out, just to keep up requires constant attention and movement. if your not upgraded ur the one that gets left in the dust with that old nokia sem phone while the world is sporting iphones, blackberries and gphones..the posibbilities are endless when it comes to upgrades..and this is key the hights that we have reached with technology and jusr when we think that nothing else can be invented there is already everythinhg..out comes teh ipad..its crazy our potential for spiritual growth is so so so much greater than the innovaters at apple there are no time limits to our growth, no need for fiscal support the sky isnt even the limit it goes way beyond that, so y are we stuck in the last century with so much potential in the here and now (quick before it becomes the past!)

and this brings me to my second point..our friends..there are friends taht we choose and friends taht somehow we dont know how u came to being friends, circumstances community..whatever it is you know that had u met this at this stage of your life u wud be cordial but chances are that u wudnt be besties..and then there are the friends taht we choose, sem friends whatevr..the point is that the friends we choose tend to be on teh same page as us hashkaficly whilst those friends taht we grew up with..maybe not but ur still your friends and as u move on and ur upgrading u still want to be their friend, u still want to be able to connect and hang. when i first came back from sem everyone was telling me that i flipped out..brainwashed..blah blah blah..and one cousin told me taht she feels like she cant relate to me anymore bcz of my "brainwashedness" now one wants that to happen we dont want to lose our friends who we chersih due to our own spiritual whats the solution- how can we do this..its simple get them to upgrade too! now their level of upgrade isnt gonna be as high as urs obviously, but if we can help those we love to keeo moving in the same direction we are it is that much easier to stay connected and stay close bcz truely if ur not on the same waveleghth u wont be able  to see eye to eye! keep moving keep blessed


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