pesach is coming!

Yay! my blog is working again! this make s me so happy! So i recently had another late night of studying till about five in the morning (n it does seem that i do allnighter all the time? i need to have them more sporadically think..) but it really wasnt my the time i got home from class..came home when to a hilchios passovre shiur adn came home - dude its TEN! then eat dinner do a little socializing and bam..its 5! so the next day everyone was asking was yr test...howd u do? and i kindly reminded them that my test isnt till nxt wednesday and then ii got looks of shock..if ur test isnt till then, then why in heavens name did u stay up last night fir a test thats next week!? and then i explained that learning the entire evolutionary tree takes a bit of time adn doesnt really happen in one night..i mean u dont clean for pesach in one night do we? this morning becky was a but confused why no one has been coming in in teh morning..was it a holiday she asked? adn i explained that it was a serious cleaning ad cooking time, peeps are up late so they are sleeping in a bit..she was so long does cleaning take..i mean  i do a reallyu deep cleaning and all it takes is a weekend at most..i tried to explain that it was more than ur standard cleaning..and then there is the cooking..its not simple! dont think she really got it but it was really funny..she cudnt get what teh big deal was this brings up two points...

number one, when iut comes to the really big things then it really takes preparation..u cant do it one night..spelling tests can be done in ten minutes..essays can take hours..dissertations can take months..years even..everything has its own imprtance level and usually there is a direct correlation to the importance to the time it takes to accomplish..we spend so much time cleaning for pesach but do we know what its is that we are supposed to be accomplishing? this is a topic that is spoken about so frequently, we know that chometz represents our sins..and as we search for the chometz we are suipposed to be searching with the crevices of our souls looking for that long lost avaira that we did years ago, forgot about and never did anything about..this is a time of self introspection and "meditation" if u will while u are cleaning out that says that every bead of sweat that comes as a result of cleaning is teh equivelent of tears on yom has so many connotations, people can spend hours spring cleaning, they start painting the walls, we get rid of our old stuff we dont wear anymore..or as rabbi Orlofsky girls we pull down our box of "memories" old cards, letters, notes, pictires spend hours looking at em and then put them right back till nxt yr when we go thru teh same process again..if we only spent half our time that was spent looking at pictures looking into our what a differnt life we wud have..

(im kinda all over the place this morning..i apologize for the lack of flow..) so were looking for rebbetzin hellers book she right about how chometz is teh ego..this is one we've all heard, teh yeast rises=inflated ego..matzah-flat-humility..this is teh time to relinquish the power of self, this is the time to remember that it is not all about me..we are giving in to the will of our Master..our will shud be one with HIs ..thast teh goal anyway(hopefully) as we go thru the cleaning process, those of us who still live at home..we subjuigate our will to that of our mothers..we wanna sit in our room and read,study, talk, chill, sleep..but alast there is work to be done, so we drag ourselves out of rooms and say "yes mommy dearest how can i help you?" this is the ultimate deflation of jokin but it is a good practice for subjughating oursleves to His will (parents are there to teach us how to have a relationship with Hashem..but thast a different subjiect..)

and finally the point of all this that i originally started with is that all this takes preparation..the getting rid our spiritual chometz (which ever way u look at it) takes well as the seder..nothing worthwhile comes pain no gain right? we have to put in effort. its like those people who go to teh kotel for the first time expecting to feel a wave of emotion..they walk anxiusly to the wall and they put their hand on the cold stones expectantly..and then..nothing..and they are disaapointed this is the kotel after all..they shud feel something..but if u dont prepare ur self  for the moment then it has no meaning..if u dont bring meaning with you then the actual physical action has no meaning to you..there has to be spiritual preparation. nothing exsists in a vacume. as it says in the pachad yitzchak ( i only know this from Rabbu brown) the only english words in the sefer are the words "nature abhors a vacume" nothing comes from nothing..except for creaion but people..were not G-d!

to have a meaningful cleaning process, we need to be prepared to have that..we have to go into the cleaning realizing that this is ment to be a apiritual process not just a physically arduous one..and in order to hve a meaningful seder the cleaning needed to be more than just windex and bleach..its like running a marathon (the peachtree road race is coming up and im at a gym..need i say more?) u have to train for months before hand just to be able to stand at teh start line..and then one u get the start line it doesnt end..thats just the begining u have to get to the end of the 5K..just stopping in the middle is not an option, its not accoplishing..when we prepare through cleaning out our homes and souls..we are just getting ourslves ready for sitting oursleves at teh seder..but the work is far from over..we are no where near done! we have 15 steps to get thru..each one meaningful each one giving us strength to go on to the nxt the drink stops at a marathon..we need to refuel and each one allows us to move even further..making us even better!

with everything prep is key..i can only say that in so many ways and differnt times but i think u got the point and i promised a second point taht i dont have time to elaborae on cuz becky is gonna walk in any moment..but it was the concept of never jusging somone..u never know what its like till uve gon ethru it..u cant explain pesach cleaning to someone hwo has nevr done it, cant describe the feeling of being at teh kotel at vasikin purim moring..every experinece is unique and people just cant get it no matter how hard they try till theyve been there..the med student cant understand teh pressures of a beautician's day and vice versa..
have a great shabbat peeps!


  1. Devora! I losted my phone a while ago. I got new one but don't have your number. Then I had an inspiration to come on here. Give me a call when you get a chance will ya? ( :
    Love , Breiny


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