doing the right thing is so hard!

so its almost lag ba'omer which is exciting for those who keep first half as for the rest of you who keep second sorry but the end is almost near anyway shavuot is around the corner..and  now that i have had slightly more sleep than last week this time (Slightly being the operative word) i decided that i reall shud make this one a good one ...

we  all have moments in life when we have to make a decision that we dont want to make but we know that we have to..and we know that the final outcome is going to be something that we dont like and even highly loathe but at the end of the day we know that its the right thing to in the middle of catching up with a close friend -its 3 am i have to wake up at 7 to go to work/school/ take a u know that u must go to sleep now! and that in order for you to be even semi-functioning tomorrow u need to get some rem cycles in asap..but somehow you cant tear yourself away from the phone cuz u feel that this is important to.

or it might be of a different nature..a convo you need to have with someone but somehow u cant bring yourself to do it..why? u know its not gonna be easy and it may not be something that is comfortable to talk about and it may rock the precious relationship that you have worked so hard to u put it off but at the back of your mind its always there reminding you that one day you really need to have that convo..and you know that u have an honesty thing going so you feel that the person really shud know adn it wud make it better than "lying" this whole time cuz the omission of the truth is also not emet..but when is appropriate so u procrastinate..u push it off..waiting for the right time..but u know that its never gonna be the right time cuz no matter when u do it its not gonna be easy (and that's an understatement)

anyways whatever the situation, i was wondering recently why is it so hard to make the right decisions, why is it that the things that we know aren't the healthiest thing for us ..feel so good. why is it that the junk food industry is so huge often have you gotten a craving for celery sticks? u know you want those fries tho..its curious to me why things that are so blatantly right are so much harder to do and accomplish than those that you know are "wrong"? why is it that its so hard to dump that toxic friend? so hard to stick to the diet? why is it so much easier to do the wrong thing than the right one?

im sure there are many reasons for this and i dont pretend to have all the answers..but i think that one of them is fear of change, fear of the work that comes with by nature is lazy..we have gravity pushing down on us..we have the concept of inertia - an object at rest stays at rest, its hard to get out of bed,its really hard to get out of bed..its hard to move from the couch to bed cuz that means moving..its hard to get to the gym and workout..especially after a week off...did you know that ur body starts absorbing more fat in the adipose tissue merely two days of not workin out..the body is always preparing itself for a danger situation thats why carbs get stored for so long bcz in the advent of chas v'shalom a disaster and there is no food the body goes into its reserves and pulls it out, it slows down the heart rate and it makes everything move slower so it doesn't have to expend more energy than it needs to survive..thats the guf..

however the neshama is a whole different story!our neshama is what gives us life and drives us to move, to take the steps instead of the escalator so to speak..its what gets us moving..and i think thats one of the important reasons forr talmud torah. learning gives energu to teh neshama taht in turn drives as girls we dont have a chiyuv to learn but we do have a chiyuv  to learn from the world around us and to feed our neshama, with divrei chuzuk which doesnt have to be from a formal class but cud be from a science class, taking a walk outside , taking a moment to think beyond what im gonna wear tonight..the sources are infinite..but that doesnt make it any easier still to do the things that we have to do.

having glucose stored in the body as glucose does not help any. it needs to be converetd to ATp to be usable in the body. for inspiration to be effective it cannot just be stored in the has to be applied to our help us move forward. to make us holier people, to make our will a little closer to G-s's will.  for that is the goal, for when we make our goals the same as Hashem's then it all seems so much easier..not easy for life is not ment to be easy but easier. when the direction we are goin in is clearly defined and what we want couldnt be more obvious..then taking the steps to get there are that much simpler..clearer..easier..

so going back to the original question why is it so hard to do whats right, why does doing the "wrong" thing feel so right? i humbly suggest that we make a road map, make a list of goals, what is it that i want to accomplish, where do i want to be ten years from now..and this doesnt have to be realistic, not where am i gonna be ten years from now..but rather where do i WANT to be..and then we look at what we are doing and how we are living..are the things that i am doing conducive to me being where i want to be? now im not saying that this clarification is gonna make it easy shmeasy to do the things that we have to do..but it will at least give us the push to do it tho its so will give us the push to start moving cuz as the law of inertia says an object in motion stays in once we start moving we shud just keep moving (until an outside stimulus stops us) so avoid blockages to our growth will assure us a steady movement in the right direction.

may we all get that push that we need soon, and never stop!


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