i get it....kinda

So as u can see ive been messing with this page, playing with different things and i was looking at my old posts and i was actually looking at the stuff that i had written this time last year..nad its kinda funny. cuz it seems t hat i was always studying then and so too now..it seems to be all i do..and i was reading the post about bircas hachama and i was mind boggled at how fast time flies by..and i cant belive that it was really that long ago it feels like i was just sitting here typing ';ys and also i feel like the nature of the posts have been less humorous and more pointed..not gettin so many stories as much..or maybe im just getting old and forgettin em by the time i get to typing.

anyways followin that theme..no story today (cept for the fact that i set three thousand alarms to wake me up plus got a transatlantic wake up call to make sure that i was up..got like 2 hrs last night) but i wanted to discuss the importance of teh concept of not judging people and not making assumptions about things. we've all been taugh that we must judge our neighbor favorably. and we also know the importance of being considerate and sensitive. but at the same time we have to understand that we dont always understand. in this education generation with wikipedia at your fingertips if u read about something u dont understand just a few mouse clicks later BAM! ur an expert in teh field. we all want to know we want to understand. and that is what drives us as people to expand ourselves and be better informed.

but what i have recently encountered on many fronts is that you can never fully understand something untill you've experienced it, even then its not teh same. but untill the event has become part of youir life in a real way then no amount of reading and comtemplation adn meditaion will ever bring u any inkling of the actual situation. i was just talking to a friend who made aliya and she was sayin how different living there is from sem. even though she was there for two years, experiencing teh land its nothin compared to the real life of a person who LIVES in israel. all the responsibilities.

the same goes with friends. rarely do we find friends who are exactly in teh same boat as us..exactly. we may have similarities but there are differences taht run deep, whether it be personality, heritage, occupation. A girl who studies and goes to school all day has no idea what the pressures are that come with an intense 9-5 job. somone who works doesnt understand teh pressure of those two weeks before finals, they dont understand what it means to have to slog hours and hours for one paper..whatevr it is. we all have our sitch that makes us unique. we all have that part of us that no one understand fully.

and i think that its very important for us to know that its okay, were not ment to understand and its not something taht we shud try to do bcz as much as we try its just not gonna happen. and i know for myself that this something thats hard to admit and say. bcz we want to be that understanding friend/wife/sister/whatever//just understanding..but i think that rather than aiming for understanding we shud aim for consideration, cuz it seems that when we try to understand something that has never happned it kinda cheapens it. and i think that taht best thing we can do for our friends and all people we care about is to say to them there is no way i can truely understand simlpy cuz i was never there..so tell/allow me to do what is that u need, . we need to tell ourselves that its okay taht we dont understand and thasts not what is required of us per se rather to make considerations for that unique sitch.

if u have a friend tahts always studying, dont expect them to be always chatting with you cuz..hello its the end of the semester..if shes tires after a long day of work be considerate and dont rag..i hope im makin sense..i think im beating a dead horse at this point..being considerate doesnt necessarly mean understanding the extenuating circumstances..bekitzur


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