sweat the small stuff!

so i had this all planned in my head while i was vacuuming..forgot it and bH it came back to me.

yesterday i took my math final..and i really really needed to do well on this test and i studied,a lot,and i was reviewing memorizing going thru all the old tests doing reviews..doing it all.. and i took the test i was thinking..Hahsem please help me! please help me do this..and as when i turn it in it tells me my grade right away (woohoo technology) and BH i did well..and then i walked outta my test and i was saying Thank you Hashem for helping me do well..but then i stopped myself..what was i saying..help me? HELP ME? HE didn't help me..He did it all! yea is studied..but who let me study..who gave me the brain cells, allowed the synapses in my brain to connect..allowed me to write, gave us the technology of calculators..ye i studied but it wasnt me doing it with G-ds help..it was all HIM!  and this is something that we have to  remember. I once heard someone discussing the difference between saying Bezrat Hashem and  im yirtzeh Hashem. and we were discussing which is more appropriate. and i think that saying B'ezrat Hashem is a little off,,cuz its not like Gd is helping you..Hes doing it..your just the puppet, and i see how the argument can be made both ways about each phrase but when u say someone helped you..it insinuates that you did most of the work..and this person came along and helped..did a little bit and this is blatantly; not the case when it comes to the relationship with us and Hakadosh Baruch Hu!

and this does seem to be serious minutia  i know, but its all in the details..its the small things that add up, its those few seconds, that tiny bump that trips is up and before we're free falling..k im not doing the gloom and depression thing..buy truly its the small things that make a difference. for a while now my laptop charger had been making weird noises and it was really annoying yet rather than fix it i wud ignore it..wrap it up with something..my laptop had energy who cared that it was making noises..but then i realized that my comp wasn't charging fully it was only going to about 30 percent..and still i didn't really pay it much attention ..i only use it at home usually anyways..fast forward to last week..  i come home and see that my comp is on 19 percent tho its charged in..it is very clearly not having energy pulsating through it like it shud..and then i started freaking out and i mean freaking out! no laptop what am i supposed to do..i need it have studying to do! i started calling the world looking for a charger spare comp anything..finally my blessed friend shared her precious commodity with me and BH i had a working comp! but i did have to return it an till my newly ordered charger came in what is a girl to do?

so being extremely lucky that i live where i do, we have a yahoo group called frumcommunity, and people post offering services, sharing advice basically a huge blog for the community..so i posted saying i was desperate for a charger and if anyone cud help a sister out..within hours i had offers pouring in from strangers offering their chargers to me till i got a new one.. ( yes there are people here i don't know hard to believe i know!) anyways the same night got thus borrowed charger mine came in the mail..but the point is that my lap top still wont charge past 70 percent..so this tells me  that not only do i have a prob with my charger my battery may be faulty too..

k two points on this, first that details..details..hello if i had taken care of my charger when it was making hissing noises i would never have been in such a panic..second is that in any transfer there has to be a giver and receiver, noten and mekabel. there is inspiration all around us..Hashem is giving to us all the time, the question is whether we have perfected our details, is the prescription right - anyone with glasses knows that even a slight change in prescription can make the world so much clearer and brighter..its the small things that do it.

we are now in teh days coming up to shavuos..i was watching a shiur by R;Orlofsky and he was saying how its these days leading up to Shavuot, omer that we are preparing ourselves to be a proper kli to recieve the Torah. and how do we do that..each day has a mida that we have to work on and they are very sepcific aspects..details...minutai..but they add up and allow us to be fit to get teh torah.

so that thing that uve been thinking about working on..but thought...for now its not such a big deal i have bigger problems that that..that may be true..u may have bigger problems but those small things..the details the miniscule aspects of self improvemnt are what add up and make us into the blessed glorious people we can be!


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