what does it take?

So finals week has come and gone, no more school, as of Monday night and now i find myself in vacation for a short time anyways and its nice but the strangest part of it all was that i was bored! honest to goodness bored! now im not complaining but at the same time it stinks to be bored..never mind even with all that boredom i managed not to get much gym time in or clean my room this week..but that is besides the point..i was bored..but then i remembered my good ole guitar that is sitting in my room from my last break from school..maybe thats what ill do..

when i last started trying to learn guitar, i was all excited and my parents asked me exactly how i intended to learn to play was i gonna take lessons..please i said i dont have that kind of money..i was gonna tap into an amazing resource- the Internet..YouTube was gonna teach me how to play..so i attempted but then other things got in the way but still if you think about it..its really cool how much information is available to us today! with the Internet explosion that has occurred along with the zillions if ways of communication that we have now..its really incredible. if u want to learn about anything and i mean anything..just go google.com type it in and BAM there it is 500,000 sites in .19 secs. its fast and its at ur finger tips. anything you want to learn about is there for ur taking. from the life cycle of an angiosperm to a transliterated version of Shema.

the question is How badly do u want it? what is it that you want?  why do you want it? when i was studying for my final i had a study review that my teacher gave us and we had about 7 pages of questions single spaced and then it was up to us to find it..if it was something new that i really wanted to understand..i went to my book for an in depth analysis of arterial blood pressure but if it was something that i just wanted a quick yes/no, wiki answers was my destination.i wud google the question praying that there wud be a wiki answer, yahoo answer something that was a quick one or two liner that didn't  require too much effort and wud be over fast. whats the difference, one i cared about, i really wanted to understand to integrate it versus the other which i couldn't really care less about i just wanted the answer fast.

the answer to everything is in Torah. the cure to cancer can be found in its pages, all of psychology can be found there, there is nothing whose source doesn't come from Torah. in today's society people are always looking for answers, looking for solutions to their problems, and they look and they say..G-d i don't see Him, He's abandoned me, left me with all these problems an in the infamous words of Timon in lion king " when the world turns its back on you, you turn ur back on the world!" right now we all know that this is no way to live, if you turn your back in your source, the source is not lacking, only you are losing out. if a hose gets turned off, the water supply doesn't lose out, the hose isn't lacking anything its only the grass, the flowers that stubbornly are slowly wilting away, not getting the nutrition that they need.

the solutions to our problems are there, why is it that i have such a hard time listening to my parents, why is it that my davening isn't what i want it to be? on a more mundane level, why is it that i cant stick to my diet, why is it that my hair doesn't do what i want it to do? the answers all are available but they may not always be as easy as looking in wiki answers, sometimes we have to do research, look into the books, check references, call an expert in the field..do what it takes..

so whats the determining factor that allows us to go the extra mile..what is it that makes me open that book, makes me stick to the diet? its a word that people are very scared of today-commitment. the ability to commit to one thing and stick with it  to the end is extremely difficult. we know that doctors are prescribing more ADD, ADHD medicine than ever before, i know i cant concentrate in class unless im doing like ten things at the same time, i have a very hard time focusing on onet thing, even studying. man its hard to commit to studying all the time, to say im going to commit to do three hours of studying every night. commitment is not an easy thing and it is often the determining factor in the health of a relationship, if both parties are equally committed to making it work, or is it just something else that can be replaced, like the table cloth, paper napkins, plastic plates, knives, forks and spoons?commitment means sticking to it even if you know its hard but u are dedicated to the cause and you know the outcome is gonna be good, real good!

its rosh chodesh sivan, a week from today is Shavuot, well yesterday, (its a machlokes, its a good thing we do both..lolcuz Hashem made a commitment to Avraham at bris bein habisarim that we will forever be together. at Har Sinai we said Naaseh V'Nishman!  we stood under the mountain like a chupa and we joined in an everlasting bond with Hashem. in Hallel today we will say ( or u already said) that we are the sons of your maids Hashem..You can remove the shackles bcz we know no other life..we will never leave You we are forever committed and devoted to You.

this is what it means to have commitment, devotion. to know what it is that you want and to know that no matter what it takes to get there you will get there. you will push thru the hard times bcz its worth it. we all know that ur not really friends with someone till uve had an argument, a squabble, a disagreement about something but even amidst that u know that its gonna be ok, why bcz u are both committed to the relationship and want this to work so u will do what it takes to get there! and that amazing amount of effort u put into the relationship to ensure that it survives makes it all that more special and dear to you! bcz this isn't something that u decided to do all willy nilly..no u made a choice! u made a commitment and u worked hard to get here!

so the next time you have an issue, think to ur self..how much does this really bother..do i really care about this..truly care about it? cuz if the answer is yes, then brace urself bcz u are in for a ride, self introspection, self knowledge and you are about to bombard yourself with a wealth of knowledge, the only way to get to the root of the issue and really understand what it is that u want to know..u must make yourself into a buki, and expert in the field and only then can u say that u understand. and even then there is more..u can never finish studying u can never finish learning..but just to make available to yourself the breadth of knowledge that there is out there..that is just mind blowing. and whats more when u see ur ability to commit to it..man that's gonna push u over the top, ull be the best inspiration you ever had.


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