bleed your colors

I'm sitting here on Marta coming home from school and this dude comes  on obviously gender challenged wearing a spider man halter top with  spider man hippy flairy pants.. And he is busy waxing lyrical about
the importance of being yourself.. when some people get on to marta u know its going to be a show. usually i try to block them out, bringing the volume up higher shutting me eyes and with this guy i did too, initially.  but then he was going on and on, in a not quite a whispery fashion, and the more he spoke the more intrigued i was. i started typing as fast as i could trying to get all the words he was saying. as we went under the tunnel, i was straining to hear him..and then before i knew it, i had to get off and i even seriously debated staying on longer to hear what he said.. so what was it that he sure ur insanely curious..ill try to get some of it out. each thing he was saying was blog worthy in itself.

the first thing he was saying was the importance of being urself. ( as i already wrote). he was repeating over and over again, how happy he is because he is himself and that nothing anyone says can bring him down because he knows who he is..and that makes him happy. he then mentioned how most people are scared of letting their guard down and being who they truly want to be for fear of being laughed at or criticized. most people are afraid to show their true colors for they fear shame. shame has an amazing ability to keep us in check, for there are times when we want to do things but we wont cuz of the public embarrassment that would be involved. we all know what im talking about. this is a problem in todays society that no one is ever embarrassed no one blushes anymore, cuz everything is allowed. we live in a "live and let live" society and that leads to absolute chaos that we see around us on a daily basis.

but busha  also can be highly detrimental as well.. it can repress growth. we know that the embarrassed child doesn't learn. and also it can be hard if one doesn't necessarily live in a society that has the same values it takes gumption and chutzpa to do what u need to do; what u know is right even in the face of people who say what ur doing is wrong, in the face of people who oppose all that you stand for, u cannot afford to be embarrassed of your yiddishkeit.

and this is what i was thinking as this dude was saying his whole speech. how often are we embarrassed to be who we really are? how often do we look deep down into our selves, into our neshamos and do what we really  want? how often do we let our true colors show? there is this billboard right by school "bleed your colors." do we bleed our colors. the first question is do we know what our colors are? do we know who we are and what we stand for? do we know what our neshamos want? do we even know who we are to be that?  some of us have had a glimpse of ourselves. rare opportunities when we see beyond the facade that we have put up for ourselves..and it often scares us. it scares us how far we are from what we know we can be.

we all know that we have to work on ourselves. this is teh state of teh world, we are constantly told that we have to work on ourselves and that that is our life mission. to better ourselves. but how often do we really check to see where it is that we are going? better yet, before you get directions you have to have a starting point. you have to know where you are in order to know where you are going. do we know ourselves well enough to go where it is that we have to. we each have our own road map, our own mission, so we each have unique things we have to work on. we cannot just follow the generic steps that have been outlined and followed by everyone else.

being an individual is not easy. it is much easier to be a sheep, do what everyone else is doing, follow the path set before you without thinking. but that is not what we are ment to do. we are ment to be ourselves. for only you can do your job. Rabbi Wallerstein was saying this week how u are not ment to imitate anyone else, cuz  then why wud Hashem need you? He has the original. who needs the copy? we have to be ourselves, know ourselves, and then remember who we are. knowing ourselves is hard enough but living with that knowledge and acting upon  that knowledge on a constant basis is difficult to say the least. but that is our goal.  it is a life challenge to know ourselves and to do what is right for that neshama in the face of the constant adversary in our lives. and sometime the opposition may even come from what seems a religious source..but we must remember not to be sheep. we have our own minds and our own agendas, Hashem has blessed us with our own neshama to fulfill our mission. we have to do what is right for us, even in the face of public humilition.

find out who you are and then do it on purpose!


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