Where you holding?

So..whats news with the jews? its been a busy week as usual, some crazy things and some crises, BH its friday and tonight is Shabbat Kodesh!

I was reading this Dvar Torah that was saying that when the elders of Midyan and Moav came to speak to Bilam about cursing Klal Yisrael, yet it seems that soon after Midyan is gone from the story. what happened? it seems that Bilam told the messengers to stay the night so he cud check with G-d to see what He was saying and then he'd get back to them, the next morning teh midyanim left. why? bcz they realized "is there a father that despises his son?" so they left, knowing that it was not a good plan.

But why? why did they have to wait till they got to Bilam to realize this, didn't they know this already? the answer is quite a simple one. when we are caught up in the moment, when its all exciting and busy you don't have time to think, you act with your emotions not your intellect. when we take the time to breathe, to reflect on what is happening, then we can make a rational decision. (acting on that rationality is a different story.. :P )once the midyanim had the night to think about what it was that they were about to do, it dawned on them how horrific it was, and how maybe it wasn't the best idea in the world.

how often in the  heat of the moment, whether its from joy or anger, we do things that we  otherwise wouldn't have done. how often when we get in one of those BAD moods we decide to go for the pint of ice cream only to feel nauseous soon after at what we had done. or snapped at a sibling for something otherwise minute but at the end of the day, when everything culminated, and BAM you snapped, and as soon as you did it , u feel horrible you knew u shouldn't have...but you couldn't really think past the moment.

and i wanted to adress something else that falls under this topic.where do you turn in those moments of stress?
the Gemara says that you can/shud judge a person "bekiso, kaso, koso" it tells a lot about a person when you see how they react to stressful situations. when the heat turns up under them, do they keep their cool? or do they steam up? and even the most chilled person needs to let off some steam to maintain the chill, otherwise it just builds up till they explode! so who do they  turn to?who do you turn to? for me the best place to turn is a friend. you want someone who can empathize, who can relate, who will be on your side.you just want to vent get it out, someone to tell you that you are not being unreasonable. and BH one is very blessed to have good friends,kaney lecha chaver  right? friends are so important.

yet, as time goes on i see really the reason for having relationships in this world. we are put in this world as social beings who interact with one another and we have friends, we have spouses, children, families, neighbors.we need to learn to interact. and then the close few that you depend on, the ones who know ur innermost secrets, who you know you can turn to for anything, call anytime of the night and they are there..u know who im talking about..your closest peeps..that relationship is a model, a guide, to what your relationship with Hashem shud  be. i know i spoke abt this a few weeks ago, but honestl. whenever i get the feeling that i NEED TO TALK to that friend now abt xyz, or im gonna burst,,,,i think halevei that this was how i related to G-d. i can talk for hours and hours with my friends. i utilize all sorts of communication possible, skype, txt, IM, cell phone, landline, everything short of messenger pigeons and smoke signal..if its a communicative device ive probably tried it.

as people we crave connection, and we look to the people in our lives to fill that void, as we shud. we are not ment to be alone, but we have to remember what the ultimate connection is, remember that this is all training for what it is that we shud be striving for. we have to remember that G-d wants a connection with us, He sends messages to get us to "notice"Him. and if we dont heed teh smoke signals then we have to get stronger messages that may not be so pleasant. so, in times of trauma, it times of dificulty where do we turn? do we turn our eyes to heaven, reach for a siddur, do we pick up the phone, do we close ourslevs up?
how we react says alot about where we are in our growth as His children.
where you at?

( i am not saying that you don't need friends, or people to talk to about issues that come up, just bringing up a point)


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