its all in the timing

Time is a funny thing. If you think about it how cool is it that time is measured the same way all across the world. there is no conversion factor from an English hour to an American hour to a Israeli hour. Yes the exact hour calculation may be needed, its not the same time here it is in the holy land, even in one country we cross time zones. time is a funny thing. we aways seem to need more of it, yet for the few moments in our lives that for some reason we seem to have too much of it. Time can never be recovered, it is the worst commodity to steal for you can never return it no matter how much you try. stealing sleep is a most grievous sin for no matter how much you desperately want to give it back and no matter how much guilt you feel, that sleep is not coming back..

timing is everything. exactly what time you get outta bed, outta the house, into the the Olympics a race is won by an eighth of a second. when telling a joke, if the timing is off forget it, it bombs. when it comes to certain relationships timing is of crucial importance. how many couples do you know they went out once it didnt work out, few years down the road they go out again and they have both matured and now time is right and they are married now happily ever after. 

the same happens with friendships. you ever make a friend later in life, maybe in seminary, in work, sometime passed the normal formative years of friendship. ie. middle school, high school. its a common phenomena that people make their best friends from a young age. so when you meet a really good friend later on, it may appear to be an anomaly. and it has occurred to me on many occasion if i had met up with my friends earlier on in life, had we gone to high school together wud we have been friends? if  i had met this person earlier on wud this have worked as blessedly as it does now?

timing is so important. and Hashem sends us exactly what we need when we need it. you are not going to get the job you are applying for until its the right time for it to be your job. or the classic case of shidduchim. ur not going to meet Prince Charming before it is the right time for you. we of course have bechira in our lives to make decisions and decide where to go. but at the same time, we are all part of a grand scheme, and the members of the scene will only come on stage when it is his turned to be called. he knows his lines, he knows when to come  on..he enters stage left into your life. 

the same is true of  nisyonot. why is it that this thing is bothering me right now? why is it that i am having a hard time with this person today? why is it that i am having a problem with this specific area when i just dont have time to be dealing with it?

the most amazing thing about time how it can change something from completely assur to a lechatchila state. the most common is the whole boy girl situation. as teenagers its a constant struggle. and its just not tolerated in the frum community for kids of the opposite gender to be communicating at all..yet once we come back from Israel its all they can do but throw us at each other in  hopes of happy marriages and batei ne'eman beyisrael. sleep is appropriate at night not in class, the other classic example of timing is chometz on pesach. during the course of the year it is commendable to eat bread yet for 8 days during the year-assur!

there r very few things that Hashem  has completely outlawed for us. for most pleasures in life there is an outlet. there s a time and place. we are supposed to be social creatures interacting with our environment and talking to people. but there is a time and place and a way..we dont say lashon hara, we dont talk in shul and yes we talk to people but we have to converse with Him too! there is a way to do anything and i think frum jews are better at finding loopholes than any other sector of the human race. we figure things out, we do what we want all withing the confines of halacha. 

so take the time to figure out if your doing the right thing at the right time. 


  1. Timing is very important. It's amazing to think of the things that wouldn't have worked out if they happened just a day or two earlier or a day or two later.

    You make an interesting point about friends, but actually all of my close friends are ones that I made towards the end of high school and afterwards. I'm still in touch with friends from when I was a kid, but my closest friends are actually the more recent ones. But I always think about if we would have been friends if we had met 10 years ago instead of 5. And having spoken about it with them, I think in most cases if I had met most of my current friends when I was a kid, we would not have been friends at all! Baruch Hashem I met them when I did.

  2. its funny, cuz u think that if you are such great friends now then isnt it a shame that u missed out on all those years in between? but you arent the same person you were then so its not davka a given that you would've been friends.

  3. I love this topic! It's absolutely incredible how timing plays such a silent yet weighty role in our lives. "People come into out lives for a reason, season or lifetime..." I don't know if you ever heard got the forwarded e-mail, but it's pretty incredible. The amazing thing about timing is that it's bendable in some ways. Our lives measured out in time, but with genuine emunah, Hashem will bend those rules. When I look back to certain happenstance in my life (i.e. the first time I met someone, the first time a thought/judgment popped into my head, etc.) and in hindsight I can see just how involved Hashem was at that moment. It helps me realize just how involved He is at all times.


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