now you see me now you dont

its been a while i sorry...

you know the feeling when you see someone and they don't see you? you are driving by a friend you honk, u wave they totally don't notice either u call em all excited " i just saw u!" or if its Shabbat and you are walking by then you just keep walking oh well..better luck next time.

now lets say you were planning on meeting someone lets say in times sq (bad meeting place btw!) and ur trying to meet up with an old friend that you haven't seen in ages! So you look around for her and finally score! You see her you know its useless to try to wave and you use modern technology ie. your blessed cell phone "look straight now turn right no your other right..k now take five steps to the left and slowly turn around and look straight right under the Target see me?..."  finally after many directions you have a joyful reunion and all is good in the world.

Try scenario three: in this scenario there is no cell phone option. and again we are in a crowded area, hundred of people coming and going..some just milling around. imagine a chosson and kallah. the kalla has come in to the chosson's city for the vort and he stayed for a while and of course they spent hours and hours together because who knows if they will see each other before the chasuna ( this is a reality in outta town) and all good things must come to an end, she has to go home  so thanks to new TSA regulations he cannot go very far, and he is tempted to buy a ticket just so he can go through with her to the gate, whats more hes tempted to get on the plane and go back with her.anything so they can be together. he tries to convince the TSA agent to give him a gate pass, but to no they are waiting at security..waiting for the very last moment till she has to go thru security and that will be the end. so finally the time has come, they walk together through the line, and they get to the point where she has to show her boarding pass, and that means he can go no further.

so they keep watching each other as she walks through and he can still see her, and she him. she gets to the line, takes off her shoes..and hes watching her the whole time..and then it happens..she looks wildly in his direction..where did he go? he must be there he wouldn't leave till she was gone would he? no he would never! and he is standing there the whole time. He sees here,  he sees her looking for him and he wants to yell " I'm here, right here i would never leave you!" and its killing him..cuz he sees her and he knows that she thinks that he left her and that is the worse bit! hes there, shes there they are so close, but try as she might she cannot see him. (this is when a cell phone would come in handy eh?)

this is the sad situation with us and Hakadosh Baruch Hu. how often do we feel abandoned.. we know intellectually that Hashem would never leave me..He loves me right? We know this all intellectually but we cannot help but feel abandoned because we cannot see Him. Hashem is standing there and He sees us looking for Him and its killing Him because He knows that we are looking for Him everywhere but we cannot seem to see Him. He wants to scream and shout " look I'm right here.. I wud never leave u!"

so in this Mashal what is the much needed cell phone? its simple, its tefilla! its all it takes to find Him. all we need to do is pick up and call..give Him a ring..and BAM instant communication. He'll lead you to Him. He'll show you that He was,is and always will be right there in front you in every instant of our lives. The worse pain a Father, loved one, can feel is when they cause pain to the one whom they love. they do anything to avoid putting their loved one in a position of distress. So when Hashem sees that we feel so abandoned it hurts..hurts so badly. So we need to keep that cell phone with us. We need to keep the mode of communication open between us and like the second example, if you feel lost or cannot find Him, all we have to do is call and He'll give us the directions it takes to find Him.


  1. Wow, this is absolutely beautiful! I love the way you put it and all the different meshalim that you gave to show us how Hashem is watching over us always! Even if we don't see it, He's always looking out for us.

    And it's so cool that He is always available for us at all hours of the day! There's no such thing as "no service available" or getting Hashem's voicemail or having a missed call - so it's even better than a cell phone!

    I wrote a post about that here.

    Thanks for the inspiration, I'm loving it!


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