Silent mode

We've all done it..gone to shul, school, work and put our phones on silent..and then forget. Suddenly hours later you notice that - being the popular person that you are - usually are constantly getting phone calls and its been really quiet...and then it hits you.." oh man! i left my phone on silent!" and you see that you have x amount of missed calls..all people who you would have loved to talk to if you had only heard the phone! (of course its possible no one called you in all those hours and that's just depressing :p)

so this is a two part point

1) are you going to take responsibility for your are the one who changed the are the one who are the one who had other priorities as soon as work was over besides changing your setting..which is all well and good..but we have to take responsibility.. for the consequences of our actions..

2)The fact that you did not hear the phone does not take away from the fact that someone was calling fact you may have repeated missed calls from someone who was desperately trying to reach just didn't hear it...

Hashem is trying so hard to connect with us..He uses so many modes of communication to try and reach us..but we have turned a deaf ear. We have put Him on silent..and then we cry that Hashem has left us alone and never talks to us..

So tonight and tomorrow show Him that you care, show that we want to hear what He has to say and make a commitment to always keep the volume on full blast so you never miss a call. ever!


  1. welcome back devorah..i thought i had lost glad you found your way back

  2. I'm still was just busy and didn't have time to comment. But I know how valuable comments can be so I made sure to come back and leave one of my own. :-D

  3. i appreciate..ive been awol myself for a bit myself..but imyH back in business soon.

  4. Looking forward to reading more from you...whenever you have the time to post!


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