You want to live?

Baruch Dayan Ha'emet. These are the words of a people of absolute faith. Even in the face of the most devastating news possible, what is our response? Blessed is the True Judge..

Tonight my family got hit with that kind of news. A son of close family friends passed away today. He was a 20 year old boy..or so we thought he had passed i was writing up the beginning words my mother came to my room to tell me that BH he was still alive, though still very deep in a coma due to drug overdose..
(please have him in your teffilot-igal ben morvarid)

The emotional roller coaster ride of the past few moments is palpable. Apparently someone had incorrectly put up a FB status message saying something to the extent that this boy had passed away when in actuality he had not. My first thought when i head the news that bH he is still alive, was that of "wow, techiyat hamaytim" talk about resurrection.

this kind of news cannot hit a person so few days after RH and so few hours before YK and not leave a mark. to hear that he is still alive..even amidst such a coma, even in his state is such good news!

every moment of life is so precious, we do not even begin to fathom the value of every second in this world. Every second with which we have the opportunity to do another mitzva. Do we have any idea what a mitzva is? How much it is worth? Can we even attempt to contemplate the greatness that is in store for us for every second of avodat Hashem?

life is so precious, time is so precious..i feel like I've been given a new lease on life..the past few minutes have just rendered me speechless so i have of course turned to the written (rather typed) word.

the opposite is true as well, as Rabbi Kass says.."if your going to believe in the beauty of  Gan Eden, then you have to believe in the terror of Gehinom"

Life is not a joke, we are not playing around here..or at least we shouldn't be playing around. Yes, we are supposed to enjoy the world and yes there are times when taking a break and relaxing are appropriate..but that is not the purpose of our existence.

What would you do if you had another stab at life? If you were resurrected for a day, or a year?
On Rosh Hashana we are born on again..we are given literally a new lease on life..the whole world was recreated last Wednesday...and every baby after he is born needs to go in for a cleaning and vaccinations.
That is coming up in a few hours..we are going to have such a deep cleaning that dry cleaners would die for!
This is it peeps..the moment of truth..have we been given another year? How do plan on living during the precious hours..minutes..seconds that we have to live?

Yom kipppur is coming..if we want to live, if we want to have good in the coming year...if we want to see all the beauty that Hashem has blessed the world with..then we better pray tonight..hard!


  1. Woah, that's really crazy! Just shows how quickly a rumor could spread!

    This is a really good and thought provoking post. Thanks!

  2. Wow, that's pretty incredible. How is that boy doing now?

  3. unfortunately, still in the coma. he is on life support at the moment..its so sad to see such a young person in such a sad state.

  4. it just concretizes (not a word, i know) in my mind how important it is to keep focused on the real purpose of this world, and how the Torah is what gives us true happiness and meaning and no matter how much "fun" the other life seems like, we have the real stuff!


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