De Ja Vu

I have  been accused of needing to go back to school for my lack of funny stories that make it to the blog, my life has become boring, i go to work i go to the gym and try to catch some zzzzzs in the interim. perhaps Gd is telling me that He has finished teaching me, perhaps i have had my share of excitement and its someone Else's turn now. Whatever the case, its true aside for the occasion blood squirt in lab, there isn't much to report.

but this week, at the gym, something came up and i should have had my guard up, learn from the past but i was completely caught guard for it has been so long. So I'm in the child care room and i was talking to one of the members, a mother of a child in the room.
She says "can i ask you a little bit of a weird question"
Sure i said.
"Can you speak Hebrew and read and write?"
uhuh (this is where i shudve stopped -but no..)
"my boss is a minister..."
(OMG freaking out no this is not happening again!)
"...and she wanted to know how the letters translate into numbers.."
(heart rate returning to normal, blood pressure calming down)
Sure no problem, they go in chronilogical order.

a few semesters a go, i had a christian woman as a lab partner who was very religious along with her husband. She asked me if i was fluent in Hebrew and i told her pretty much its not bad. So she then tells me that her and her husband want to get matching tatoos of some passage in the bible translated into the original about freak out..seriously! so i start trying to back out of biblical Hebrew isn't that good..its been a while..i don't know... Anyways to cut a long story short, a few weeks later she comes in with glowing news! She is pregnant! Thank you Hashem. So i tell her- i guess that means no tattoos huh? :p

So when i was talking to this woman at the gym, my heart started falling as i realized what i could be possibly getting myself into and what is with these ministers and wanting to learn Hebrew (apparently she wants to learn a Greek, so she can learn the new testament in the original Greek..but whatever)

Baruch Hashem all she wanted as gematria  and i figured you cant really mess that up too bad..

You know what they say "fool me once shame on you  fool me twice shame on me"

Hashem puts us in situations, life circumstances to teach us. The whole world is an entire Montessori classroom. We are given everything we need to learn the lessons we need to be taught. There is not going to always be a teacher standing there directing us. It is for us to fiddle with the knobs, it is for us to learn on our own what He is trying to get across to us. Like any good teacher He is there to guide us, and nudge us when necessary. So He may review the same lesson over and over and over until we get it. He may use different methods to get the message across, but He is trying to get us to learn it, and eventually with enough will be simple!

So what is He trying to teach me? I'm not sure.Maybe He is reminding me that the people around me never forget that I am Jewish and i represent the real thing. He is telling me they never better not either!


  1. I don't think there is anything wrong with explaining these things to non-Jews. It may make your heart pound because you are nervous you might say the wrong thing but it is a very nice thing to explain our way to them and let them see that we have a beautiful religion.

    I also think it's kind of fun when I get to give answers to people who aren't Jewish. I can't mess up too badly and if anything goes wrong, it's okay, they'll ask someone else if they are curious enough! When it's someone who is Jewish or not religious it can be more nerve-racking because I don't want to turn them off or give them the wrong message.

  2. i don't think there is anything wrong with explaining these things, which is why i get in the conversation in the first place. The problem is when she asks me to translate some passage from the bible INTO Hebrew. She could have picked something from the new testament and then wanted me to translate it for her to tattoo on her arm! that is problematic!

  3. Aha! Now I get it! That explains why it made you a little more than uncomfortable.

  4. I have no problem talking to people about being jewish..did it a lot in college..but sometimes it just gets to be too much

  5. I hear that. The main thing is for you to have the answers you need for yourself. Then, step 2 can be that if someone asks, you have what to answer. But the first one who needs those answers is YOU!


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