Braving the cold..

 It has been cold, shocker right? It is one would think that it would be cold, but where i live..we don't always experience weather according to the proper when its supposed to be cold, withering heat when its supposed to be lovely..anyways..

the other night it was freeezing in my room, i figured once i was all snug and tucked in i would warm up quickly.. i usually do..but somehow i woke up in the wee hours of the morning to find myself still curled up in a ball trying to keep warm, i tried extending my toes only to have them snap back into ball formation..i checked the time..2:48 (roughly) and decided it was worth it to quickly jump out of bed where it was significantly colder to grab a pair of warm fuzzy socks..and jump back in..which i did...only to realize that it was still cold. uber cold.

So i did something i never do, something that i always make fun of those skinny people who are always cold (you know who you are), i braved the cold once more in search for blankets..and with two heavy duty quilts on me..i finally snuggled in under the mountain of warmth and went to sleep.

As i was getting back into bed it occurred to me how this would be a great post! I was in bed, i was tired, i was cold and comfy; why should i foray into the world of cold and dark?

When is it worth it to leave the comfort that you have in search for more?
one of my favorite quotes

"what if what i think is great really is great but not as great as something greater?"

At what point do you say, enough is enough push yourself out of your rut and make a change to make your situation better? 

Is it a question of no pain no gain? If you are trying to build muscle, until you rip that muscle its not going to grow (hence the term ripped). You are not going to do well, unless you study..but that does not always hold true for every circumstance. There are times when we are privileged, where we have been blessed. At those times we do not have to work as hard.Things may come easily to us for Hashem has blessed us, but that does not mean that we should ever expect that things should come easily. 

We are here in this world to work...and work we will do...for unless one chooses death in his life and just wants stagnancy..but that's a whole other tangent. 

If we want to make a situation better we have to come to terms with the fact that it is going to get harder before it gets easier. Just in my simplistic example, before i could get the blankets i had to brave the cold ( i originally searched for the portable heater but it was in use...) 

So what are things that are worth the trouble? How do you determine if it is actually worth it? How do you convince yourself that you really need to do what you need to do?


  1. Hmm. This post made me think. You asked some really great questions- "So what things are worth the trouble? How do you determine if it is actually worth it?"

    You are very right that a lot of times things need to get harder before they get easier, and it's not always worth that risk to step out of our comfort zone just to reach something better. I think it depends just exactly how much better that thing is.

    The bottom line is that if you're debating, then you either have to lesson or strengthen your the greater thing. If you determine it's not worth it, then you have to say "I don't really want this enough to risk what I'd have to risk" and if you determine that it is worth it then you have to say "I really really do want this. So I'm going to do whatever it takes."

    I think the determining factor is how great the difference is between the current state of things, the status quo, and the way things could be. For example, if you weren't really that cold and/or the extra blanket wasn't that thick so it wasn't going to make a difference, and perhaps the blanket was too far away, you might have decided that it wasn't worth getting out of your mostly warm bed and into the cold. But since you were really really cold and the extra blanket was going to make the difference between sleep and no sleep, it was worth the few seconds of cold to go get the blanket.

    If something is only going to get a little better, then it's only worth it if it's a small amount of trouble. If something is a lot of trouble, then it has got to be a big enough improvement to be worth it.

    Wow, didn't mean for this comment to get that long...:)

  2. I think that every person has individual things that are important for them. I don't think someone can give a blanket statement saying that "this is important".
    Along with that, once a person knows that knows that it is important, they will also know whether or not it is worth the trouble to do it.

  3. sterngrad- definitely a good point about making it either more or less important in your eyes will help determine the course of action that needs to be taken

    Professor- its true, each person has his own set of values and priorities that help him answer such questions and help him make the decision.


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