Again?! happened again. I snoozed one too many times and the last time i dismissed instead of snoozing. BH i wake up at 5:55. I freak out! of course..throw some clothes on...some gum phone and keys and im out the door. Thank the One Above it is a nasty day here, cold and rainy so there was no one there for the first 15 minutes so i had time to get settled an all.

It is the worst shock when you wake up and you realize that this is sooo not where you are meant to be. I mean don't get me wrong, I loved being in bed but i knew that i had to be somewhere else which didn't allow me the luxury of horizontal placement.

The same is true in life. I want/need to get stuff done but that would mean changing my current position. So instead of doing it right now..i press snooze. I push it off for just a little bit (its only 5 minutes) but the five minutes add up. In this precious life time is a valuable commodity. We cannot afford to waste time. Yet, far too commonly we do. We press snooze, again and again and again. Each time we push off doing that goal we push ourselves away from the urgency of the matter. Soon, before realizing it we press dismiss. We just cut it off our to do list completely and we go back to sleep. We go back to our daily routine that is oh so comfortable and oh so enticing.

But it happens, we jerk up! What time is it? How did it get so late? How did i manage to oversleep so much! This is not where I am meant to be now! I had plans for my life; Goals, dreams and ambitions. But we let them slip away for they seem to be too much to handle. I cannot do that right now. Just five more minutes and i will get it done..but somehow it doesn't and then, that is when we freak out!

so how do you keep yourself motivated? How do we let ourselves some wiggle room without losing sight of the goal?


  1. With regards to alarm clocks, I bought one on amazon with this vibrator. The thing shakes your bed so hard that there is no pressing snooze, you are fully awake the second the alarm starts ringing. It even reached the point, that I would wake up before the alarm, so that I could shut it off before it would start ringing :)

    When I have a goal, say in learning, I think to myself, what type of person would I be if I dont learn this thing? (I'll admit, although its sorta wrong, I"ll many times picture certain people and tell myself that I dont want to be like them). If you keep your eye on the goal the whole time, you will very seldom be distracted.

    Have a good shawbis / shabbos

    Life On A Cotton Ball: Cars vs. Cell Phones

  2. oh i am a morning person, and i always wake phone is on vibrate at that wakes me..its only when i am really zonked..and that i press dismiss does trouble brew

    keeping ur eye on the goal is a good suggestion..but how is the question?

  3. Simply knowing what u have to get done!

  4. Reminds me of a story of a great person (don't remember which one) who said that he achieved greatness in 5 minutes. How? He utilitzed all the "5 minutes" he had in his life - whenever he was waiting for someone/something, he learned, said tehillim and used this time to achieve!

    It's something to work on - using your time wisely and not pushing things off. If you master that, you will be able to achieve your goals!!


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