Week 7

Nobility,Sovereignty, Leadership.

Week  7 is the culmination of Sefira."Malchut is a sense of belongung; knowing that you matter and that you make a difference."

"I am wanted and needed in this world. I have a comfortable place where I will always be loved. I have nothing to fear. I feel like royalty in my heart."

This is malchut, kingship. 

Do you agree with this definition? What allows you to be royal in this sense? When do you feel royal? When not?

**Quotes from Rabbi Simon Jacobson's Spiritual Guide to Counting the Omer. 


  1. I like these quotes...
    And it's hard to feel royal... royalty means living up to certain expectations, portraying a stead-fast image... and believing in yourself... "knowing that you mattter".
    I feel royal when I can carry my head high...
    (not gonna throw any of that tznius business)

  2. i avoided the tznius issue too. royalty is so much more than that..but it is a part of it still

  3. Royalty is knowing that you have a place in this world, knowing that you are important to the King of Kings and the He wants to have a personal relationship with you. Although we live in this lowly world and He resides up high, we can still connect to Him because we have that royal blood – a tzelem elokim!

    How’s that for a different twist on royalty?!


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