Be Extraordinary!

Its amazing. When I stopped school and started working, I came home everyday thinking to myself "man, work makes me tired, school never exhausted me this much!"  But soon I adjusted, homeostasis and all. Now that I am not working and back in school. Same feeling. School is exhausting. And this is just the beginning. I have about three more years. I had my time off, and now I'm back. Which leads me back to my original conclusion that you can get used to anything.

All that is besides the point. Now that I am back, I have more stories, more material and definitely more thinking time. Here is the thought that occurred to me while I was sitting in traffic yesterday. I was physically so close to home. Really all it should have taken was about two minutes, three tops. But, there was that lovely traffic. Yes, it exists outside of NY.

However, it took me probably 15 minutes to get home. ( I did a lot of Ipod shuffling in that time.) The phrase "so close, but yet so far" never felt more apt. This lead me to think about how many goals in our lives are "physically" pretty close in reach. There really is not that much that separates me from my goals in terms of actual distance. What makes it difficult to accomplish are the obstacles along the way. It is all those cars in front of me that do not seem to move even when the light is green. It is the light that is red that won't let me through. Its the construction zone which delays EVERYTHING and sometimes its the movie set that delays you half an hour.

(on a completely side note, did anyone ever notice how when you are in traffic, you don't move when the light is green, but rather red? Why is that?)

We all have the image in our head of who we want to become. Sometimes, our dreams and goals seem like they are eons away. Too far to reach at times. But truth is that really its right around the next corner. We just cannot see it. If we could learn to identify the obstacles, then the path becomes much clearer. Unfortunately, our biggest hurdle, our biggest challenge, our worst enemy is ourselves. We know our weaknesses better than anyone else.

We allow our flaws to get in the way.We tell ourselves that we are mediocre. We are ordinary. I am nothing special. But that is the farthest thing from the truth. If we woke up every morning and said:

"I am a worthwhile person 
because I am created
B'tzelem Elokim. 
Everything I think, say
and do 
Must show that I am created
B'tzelem Elokim" 

Imagine how different your day would be. Imagine how different your life could be. Commit yourself to being extraordinary. A notch above mediocre. Then the hurdles won't seem so bad. The goals will be reachable. Your day, a little brighter.


  1. Thank you for being so encouraging - this is a beautiful post!

  2. Great post. Easier said than done.

    And about the traffic thing- ya i noticed that. if you are stuck in middle of an intersection, udually it is when it finally turned red that you have room to inch up. funny.

  3. Thanks Devorah!

    Altie- I know right! But its important to at least know what it is that we are striving for.


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