Keep Swimming

I never worked really hard in elementary, middle or high school. I did well..I just didn't have to work hard B"H. I loved reading, math came naturally. My only subject that I had any difficulty was English. I blame that on the fact that I have immigrant parents and no one ever corrected my essays for me. :P College obviously required that I up my game a little. I'm pretty sure PA school is gonna kick my behind if I don't get my act together and start studying in advance.

My sister is different. She is vastly talented in other areas. School is a four letter word in her vocabulary. She does not enjoy any of it. She doesn't like being involved in school events, does not like most of the classes. It frankly stresses her out. She cannot fathom why I would read for leisure. "its ridiculous-its called summer VACATION  for a reason!' Reading is enjoyable for me. It is not difficult. For her, it takes considerable effort. She reads one chapter, looks up words on and reads the review on Pink Monkey all so that she can understand the pashut pshat of the book.

I watch her in awe. I don't think i could ever devote that much attention and diligence to one book. In the time that it takes her to trudge through one book, I've done about five. She tells me that if that is what I had to do, I'd do it too. However, I am not convinced. I hope that I will.

The most challenging class I have taken thus far is Organic Chemistry. Some people are chem people, others are biology people. I fall into the latter category. I struggled through the class. I stayed up all night trying to absorb the information. Learning reactions and memorizing and memorizing and more memorizing. Suffice to was hard but still...i don't think i ever worked as hard as my sister does on everything!

Its inspirational to me. Everyone has their talents. We all have our strengths. But we also all have our challenges. Staying spiritual afloat in this world is a constant battle, for everyone. Its not something that you can pull an all nighter for and be done with it. It requires constant zehirut, vigilance making sure that we don't fail today.

So do I have what it takes to keep fighting? To keep battling day after day? Doesn't it get exhausting?
What can we do to strengthen our stamina? Will coffee help in this case? (who are we kidding? coffee is a necessity! ;))


  1. "I loved reading, math came naturally. My only subject that I had any difficulty was English"

    It seems you have Persian parents :)

  2. lol! I do! Let me guess? U understand too well?

  3. Sigh. I have thus far managed to survive without coffee. But as days get busier; classes to take, a job to take care of, sleep more infrequent, i'm starting to think its a losing battle. Coffee may soon enter my life :(

  4. Haha, so finally I found a frum blogger of Persian background. I should check your blog more often:)
    Btw, do not blame your parents for English composition. Persians, in general, have recessive allele for it (English / Farsi). Also congratulations for getting into PA school.

  5. Prof- I do not see coffee as a sad reality, I relish it! It is enjoyable with caffeine or not. Cinnamon, vanilla, peppermint. I love it!

    Nima-I didn't know you were looking for one, i would have directed you a long time ago? Can i assume we share a heritage?

    as for my english comp- It has gotten better. Or so i like to think. Years of reading and English class have helped. and thanks :)

  6. I dont like the feeling of placing myself under the 'control' of something. If i need to remain awake, itll have to be done with my own willpower, not with some sorta aid.

  7. In one sentence,"If there's a will there's a way." If you really want to get somewhere, you'll work hard enough to make it happen and achieve your goals!
    Wishing you all the hatzlacha you need to get there :)


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