What will you do?


  1. ugh texting is really antisocial!
    Well done video

  2. I will continue to take advantage of the great gift of technology that G-d has bestowed upon me / us. As everything in this world, it has to be used in moderation. The same way people shouldnt be popping tylenol pills. Texting has simplified the way I can conduct business, hold conversations, and interact with friends. Done in the right way, its is a true gift. So no, I will not be disconnecting.

  3. Yedid- the video is really well done,agreed!

    Prof- I agree that technology is a gift. But there times when you need to take a step back..just for a little bit. It does not have to be the whole day just a few hours...or just a single hour..i really think that collectively it can be very powerful.

  4. True, but as frum jew, i already turn off my phone for almost two days a week. As long as someone doesnt OCD on it, and knows their limits, i dont see a point.


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