I am strong...

I am strong, but hearts are easy to break.

I heard this line recently and I feel like it pretty much summarizes me.
Its not secret that I like being strong. I work on my biceps. I push myself. Strength is important to me. And not just physical strength. I like to thing that I have strength in my principles and beliefs. I hope that I am a strong friend to those who depend on me.

Yet, when it comes to my heart...that's a different story. The heartbreak does not refer to the one and done dates. Not even the three and done. When it comes to dating I can be very cynical despite the fact that I am a hopeless romantic. Ironic I know. I don't let them in, because with guys.. you just never know. The likelihood that this relationship is going to last is pretty slim. So I don't worry about my heart being broken then, because I am strong and I will not let it.

The issue arises when it comes to friends. The likelihood that a friendship is going to last is tenfold to that of a date. So I open up my heart. I let my friends in. I open myself to the possibility that this will last, that we will be friends, that you will be there for me like you say you will.

But then when a friendship disappoints me, when it behaves in a way that I did not expect, that is when I start to bleed. Because no matter how strong I am, the heart is a sensitive organ. It is delicate and powerful. You don't mess with the heart. The heart is protected with many layers ( as is the brain for the very same reason.)You can only allow sterile equipment enter. You cannot guess with the heart. A cut in the leg in sad but not lethal. One simple technical difficulty with the heart....It could mean game over forever.

So yes, I am strong...but if i let you in..my heart is easy to break.


  1. It has happened to me often when I meet someone who I think can be a good friend, only they end up being "mean" (can I say that in my mid-20's?). I've come to a point where I find it hard to open myself up to potential friendships, since I have been hurt in the past.

    We should all be more aware and more sensitive. Since we rarely know what damage we may cause.

  2. Thats really harsh. You can definately say mean..people are mean. Unfortunately it happens. We wish it didn't but alas...

    Being aware and sensitive is important but some people just don't ever get it.

  3. I try to start with myself and hope other people catch on :)

  4. Be the change u want to see in the world and all that

  5. Hearts are easy to break. But hopefully that doesn't stop us from opening up our hearts and letting people in.

  6. Welcome Mystery Woman!
    We have to be careful who we open our hearts to. Yes, we need to be kind, but at the same time we need to be careful how far we let some people in.otherwise its reckless.

  7. I can so relate to this.

    Once your heart has been broken, it hurts too much to let someone in again. It takes a lot to let yourself trust again...only to be hurt again.

    That's why sometimes it's much better to be extra cautious when starting new friendships. Take it slow and wait it out a little (if you can) before you get burned again. It's the only way that works.

  8. I know a few friends, myself included, who could read, reread and then reread this post. *sigh*

  9. I have to go back and re-read my old posts sometimes..bcz most of the time its just me talking to myself.

  10. Incredible post!
    Every single word was applicable to me.


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