
Are idealists or realists  greater contributors to society?

this was one of the SAT essay questions this year..what are your thoughts?


  1. What's the question, either one or the other? Or any in general?

    Greater than what, everyone else?

    Being an idealist or a realist is a personal choice and mainly affects oneself, so I don't see how society would gain from it in any way.

  2. Which kind of person makes more contributions? Helps society more?

  3. Realists. Idealists have ideas that seem very nice, but most of the time cannot act on them. It is the realists who get things done. I look at it almost as liberals vs conservatives. Its really nice to imagine a world where all was equal,wealth evenly divided etc. however its never going to happen. Wasting time trying to pass legislation on that is just that - a waste of time. Dealing with real issues that can actually be dealt with are that much more important.

  4. Like all standardized argument or policy based questions, the conclusion is irrelevant. The purpose of the question is for the argument and analysis as there is no definitive answer.

    Parenthetically, the answer is neither. People, either idealist or realists, who seize opportunities and work towards the betterment of society, are the greatest contributors to society.

  5. Realists can also be pessimistic, far more so than idealists. Idealists aren't necessarily inactive, they just sometimes shoot too high.

    I think that idealists, with a realistic application, but always striving for more, contribute the most. If you're grounded entirely in reality, you often can't see behind the horizon, and all you do is continue the status quo without ever making an attempt to make things better.

    Transcending a reality mired in unproductive wheel spinning in the mud is best envisioned and executed by idealists.

  6. My thought process paralled that of Shades. Idealists see beyond the moment and dream of a greater future. I feel that realists are more complacent of the world they live in.

    That being said, SiBaW is right. It really depends on who has the focus and directive to make real changes. being and idealist is great in theory but if nothing ever comes of it, then all those thoughts are meaningless.

  7. I'd say idealists are greater contributors to society because they are going to be the ones who think outside the box and will travel on roads not taken. They'll do things no one else thought of and take risks when people think they're nuts for doing it...and at a certain point they will end up seeing results.

    Realists will end with "it's not possible so I wont even try" while idealists will aim for things beyond their grasp...and eventually they'll get somewhere.

    It's reminds me of the quote, "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you will still land among the stars."

  8. @SiBaW: LOL!! Happens to be I was thinking the same thing as you, but you phrased that so well I still laughed!

    That being said, I like what Devorah said :)


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