inner pasta

Your Inner Pasta

Everyone has an Inner Pasta that defines their very Being. EMBRACE  your Inner Pasta and you will alwaysbe HAPPY

straight, narrow-minded, predictable spaghetti

curly-wurly, never-knows-the-time-of-day fusilli

showy, bowy, ooh-look-at-me-aren't-I-wonderful farfalle

flat, floppy, yeah-whatever, can't-be-bothered tagliatelle

large, thick (and ultimately stuffed) cannelloni

Do-what-you-want-to-me-then-cover-me-with-cheese macaroni

Is it not interesting how we label people. Personality quizzes tell us what kind of shoes we should wear. Aptitude tests tell us what fields we should go into. Our families define us, our neighborhoods define us, out schools, our friends, our seems that the list is endless. So many things. 

Some of them are fun and harmless..what kind of pasta are you?
Really? Does it matter? Does it have any kind of truth to it? You tell me. Does this correlate with any of you? Are you really what we you eat?

There are so many stereotypes. Some founded, some unfounded. We make so many snap judgments. I laughed at myself one day, when i caught myself making so many judgments and so many decisions about all the people i observed from the moment i left my apartment, got in the bus, transferred to the subway, walk to school, take the elevator up. that is a lot of people that I come across. So many thoughts crossed my mind. 

~why is she wearing fur!!?! its 60 degrees outside!
~ why in heavens is she wearing sunglasses; its a. indoors, b.underground c. at night d. in the rain
~what is she wearing?
~ that's an interesting couple...weird..

these kind of judgments are made subconsciously, without thinking. 

But then there are the judgments that we make because we truly believe in. If you read Cymbaline's post, you may judge her friend Tova, for going on a trip that might kill her. People are jumping all over Tania because of her decision to say no to a second date with a guy she went out with. Not me, not you..SHE went out with this guy and felt that it was not going to work or not. How can anyone say?

Honestly, when I first heard about Tova wanting to go on this trip "even if it killed her" and Cym considering on actually doing it...i kinda freaked out. What kind of friend takes her on a trip that could in all likelihood kill her? Why is she giving in to her..wants are not the same as needs.. but on further examination i realized that Cym is right. Who am i to qualify what is really better for her? BH I am not in the position so I can not even begin to imagine what her life is like. 

As for Tania, so many times have people scoffed at my reasons for saying no. They said that my reasons were frivolous..don't i know what the market is like? Dates don't come along have to give it another chance..etc etc etc..but I know that for me..this was not going to work. No one else can make that assessment but me. Trusted friends and mentors may be asked for their opinion. But beyond one else has say. 

Every time we make a judgement we put a person into a small box. Limiting them. 

Would you want someone to limit you?


  1. outta curiosity, which pasta would you say you are?

    1. I am a cross between spaghetti and macaroni (I LOVE cheese).

    2. i think i fall into the flat, floppy, yeah-whatever, can't-be-bothered tagliatelle
      if anything
      but honestly i dont really do noodles or cheese

  2. I don't think the 2 examples are analagous. But that's just me ;)

  3. And PLEASE get rid of word verification!!!!!

  4. Very good post. I just saw this great quote: "If you judge people, you have no time to love them." from Mother Theresa. It's so so true.

    It's easy to judge others but hey, isn't it more important to take a good hard look at ourselves once in a while and see where we should be instead of passing judgements on other people when we have no right to even do that?

    1. when you point a finger at someone you are pointing three at yourself,,so watch when you point


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