How do you feel about that?

Two more people are no longer in our class.

We are two people less. I really feel for them. They both worked very hard and studied intensely. They are out. Not due to failing grades. Their grades were excellent. One left because her life was falling apart and yet insisted on coming to class. The staff heavily suggested she take a leave of absence and get her life back together. The other guy went in for a routine surgery, complication after complication later..he's sitting at home recuperating.

When people you've been with for long are no longer with you, you start to wonder..what would happen if one day i didn't come back. Would people care? Would they notice? Would they say good riddance? Would anyone try to find out why I'm not there?

I know from experience that when I am not in school people do notice. One friend has texted me wondering where am I am and if I am coming to school.

Its often hard to know how people really feel about you unless you are very close. Even then. But mostly you know that your parents love you and that your friends care about you. But co-workers, acquaintances, peers, classmates..its difficult to ascertain. Sometimes it takes a drastic situation to bring people out of the shadows. Tragedies are often catalysts for emotional outpourings. People who otherwise would not say anything...come 9/11..everyday...I love you!

We can never really know what other people are thinking. and other people can never really know what you are thinking. That being said, i think the best way to tell anyone how you feel about them is to show them. Make sure that they know and hopefully you will be reciprocated.


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