Its all in the Mind

The mind is a funny thing.

we can create people, places, conversations.

its quite incredible if you take a moment to think about all that we can do.

How many times have we created an entire situation out of absolutely nothing in our minds?
(mountain out of a mole hill syndrome)

I like to imagine people's lives. Give them a story. Its an interesting way to pass the time. I am always on the lookout for how many people are wired and who is not.

My elementary school principal would always wear an A on his lapel. He said that the most important thing is attitude. As a kid, sure i heard him, but i was naive, innocent and all was good in the world. Why shouldn't i have a good attitude?

But lately, i have  noticed that when im in a bad mood, i literally see everything with grey tinted glasses. I become intolerant of my best friends. I give myself no credit. I become judgmental, crabby and everything is worse than it seems. The worst part is that i know that its all in my mind. I know that everything is exacerbated because I am tired..but that does not change anything. Knowing it does not help.

In contrast, on a good day..which is most days..its all good. Life is good, Hashem loves me. Sure i had a mishap...but that's OK. Whats meant to be will be. I can be the most understanding, flexible person.

Same person, same situation, different responses..why?

Its all in the mind.

Our thoughts control our actions. If we could control our much happier would we be? How often do we find ourselves saying.."ugh! i hate being in a bad mood..and there is nothing i can do about it!! So flippin frustrating!"

the truth is, that it is under no ones control but ours. It is up to me to move past this slump. Is it easy? clearly not. But nothing worthwhile was ever achieved easily.

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Its work-hard work. Am i going to start on that today?

no, because im in a MOOD. 


  1. "The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven." ~John Milton (Paradise Lost)

  2. OMG I feel like you are totally talking to me. Today is one of those days :)
    Some days it's almost like you can't help it and you don't know how to snap out of that mood. And as I'm reading this post and thinking of the was right there...your next words were because I'm tired. That's what I need...a good nights sleep! Will I get it? No. But hopefully by the morning I can change to nicer, clearer glasses. :-)
    Good Luck!


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