Its the end of the line

They day is drawing to a close..and honestly I am hungry.

Usually, I have some sense of the day. I get in the mood, in previous years i have even shed a tear or two. Today is the day to feel all the pain of the entire year. It is a day to cry out to Hashem and beg Him to bring us home, to save us from all the horrible things that happen to us.

Today is the day to ask Him to return us to our full glory. To bring back His children who are so lost, they don't even know to ask how to get back. We mourn for the loss of souls, for the loss of bodies. We mourn for the darkness that we are plunged in.

All it takes is for Him to turn on the light. All we need is for Him, in a split second to bring Mashiach and all will be good. But its hard for me to think that this year will be the year. Its because i see so much sinat chinam. I see so many people saying Lashon Hara and I see myself behaving in a way unfit for the return of His glory.

So I beg G-d, bring us home. I tell Him-dont you see the suffering of your children? Don't you see how far we have been flung? How far from the Torah we have been led? Hashem! Please!! Have pity!

But at the same time i think, why should He? We don't deserve it. We don't treat each other with mercy or compassion. We do not forgive the transgressions of our fellow Jews.We hold on to our grievances. So if we're not willing to forgive why should He?

We have learned that the Beit Hamikdash will be rebuilt only when we correct the problems that caused it. Every year in which it is not rebuilt it is as if we have destroyed it. So congrats Klal Yisrael 5772, we have destroyed the Beit Hamikdash, it is us who are responsible. So what are we going to do about it?are we going to turn around and blame the neighbor down the street for not being more careful about her speech? Or will we take a good look inside? Now Gd is not tied down by anything, He may take pity on us and bring the redemption regardless of our behavior, but that does not excuse us of the responsibility to better the world in which we live


  1. Charlie Harary flipped my whole perspective. I always thought moshiash coming was something passive on my part, but no. We have to work for him. We have to act for him. We have to welcome all for him.

  2. Rabbi Broyde gave an excellent shiur on this topic based on the interesting occurrence this year that Tisha B'Av occurred on Shabbos and thus we read Haftorah Chazon actually on Tisha B'Av. What he pointed out was that in Yishayahus time people were quite careful in their observance of Mitzvot between Hashem and themselves but were miserably hypocritical with regard to Mitzvot bein Adam l'chavero. But even more interesting is that he pointed out that Yishayahu was successful along with King Josiah in leading a reformation not just by haranguing the people, but living and walking amongst them dispensing guidance something Yirmiyahu did not do.
    (any errors in the nature of R. Broyde's thesis are my own)


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