The Right to Bear ...Children?

One of the themes of our pediatrics class is that parents are not always fit to be parents. We need a licence to drive, own a gun ,marry  but there is no law about the right to bear children. I'm standing in the subway and these parents are not exactly being very safe with their kids. So I was thinking maybe there should be a law - some sort of licensing that should be required before people are allowed to lawfully "bear" children.

But then it struck me that many frum families would not pass if having children became part of bureaucratic jurisdiction. I imagine something along the lines of social services would come into play. Parents would be evaluated by their income, their home size, their age. That's only the tip of the iceberg. I can only imagine how far it would go. The first step towards Population control perhaps?

So maybe it's not possible but I can't help but think that the benefits of such a thing are quite enticing.


  1. Maybe mandatory parenting classes and couples therapy instead?

    1. just seems a bit scary to put this kind of thing into hands of government

    2. Well, since (in the U.S.A.) they just passed a bill for universal healthcare, why not allow that healthcare to cover the costs of these as optional classes?
      Ounce of prevention and all that.

    3. That would be great, but im thinking that parents who would take optional classes are not the "problematic sector." Parents who would take the initiative to better themselves and their parenting styles are not those that we worry about.

  2. I was just reading a book (recommended by Sparrow!) called "Cordelia's Honor," where in the future, when earthlings have colonized other planets, if they want to have children they have to take classes, get licensed, then purchase a "child permit."

  3. Replies
    1. Its not hard to imagine that this could become a reality within our lifetimes. Its not that ludicrous.

    2. It was great! I am totally sold on LBM. I even have a post inspired by it!


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