what was she thinking?

Ever seen someone on the train and think
"oy! Shes so pretty why would you do that to yourself?!!"

I'm not against a tasteful tatoo. I even think there is a certain elegance in a small nose ring ( like the ones the isrealis have.. No bull rings) Red hair or blue black hair can look funky and cool on the right person.

Sure these are not mainstream BY looks but I can appreciate why someone would want those. But certain looks I just don't get. Why ink yourself all over? I've seen saggy old women with saggy tattoos all over and it's just gross.

I have come to realize over and over again that it's impossible to ever know what is going through peoples' minds.

Too often, we find ourselves assuming that people think the way you do, see things the same way as you. Its not true. I recently had a bit of a "thing" with one of my roommates. It was mostly a a communication issue. She told me one thing, and i interpreted in a way that she did not mean.

Its hard enough when you are actively trying to see the other person's side. When you know you do not see eye to eye so you make a conscious effort to understand. But in default we do not see the world through other people's lenses. We see the world through "Me" glasses and we dont even realize it. Until my second roommate told me how the first was feeling..it did not even occur to me, because it would never occur me to react in that way.

So she thinks she looks pretty with a pole through her chin. Maybe she does not think its pretty but would rather make a statement about society rather than look pretty. You can never know.

Everyone has a different thought process. We all experience and deal with pain differenyly. What comforts one person makes the other cringe. We are all different and that is the beauty of the word that G-d created. Just look around. No two people look the same, why should they think they same?


  1. I'm actually loving this gal's makeup; it's everything I go for. Those pink lips are fabbo, as is the black eyeliner.

    I was thinking the same sort of thing; if we were all meant to be alike, and to have the same opinions, what would be the point? Of anything? Of dating, of rabbinical debate, of fashion, etc?

    1. agreed, her make up is quite cool! I have yet to master those eyes..im dark so smokey eyes seem to be a bit overkill on me.

      that aside.."shivim panim letorah" we are a nation of differences. There are 12 shevatim who each took their own path through the Yam Suf. We are meant to be different which is why i get so frustrated when the BY system is so adamant about everyone looking identical.

    2. And they don't seem to realize we will become what we like when we leave!

    3. I think they hope to stamp out our creativity during our formative years.


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